Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about this “referees decisions crossword” thing, ya know? It’s like them puzzles in the newspaper, the ones my grandson always scribblin’ on. I tell ya, these young folks and their fancy games.

So, this “referee decision” thing, sounds mighty important. Like when the cows get loose and you gotta decide which way to herd ‘em back in. But in this crossword deal, it’s all about words, not cows. They give you clues, like little riddles, and you gotta figure out the word that fits.
- For example, they might say “arrow maker.” Now, I ain’t never seen no arrow maker, but apparently, the answer they want is “FLETCHER.” Fancy, huh?
- Or they might say somethin’ like “forerunner,” or “precursor,” or even “harbinger.” Big words, I tell ya. But it all boils down to somethin’ that comes before somethin’ else. Like how the rooster crows before the sun comes up.
Now, this “referees decisions” part, that’s the tricky bit. See, referees, they make calls, they point fingers, they blow whistles. They decide who’s in and who’s out, who’s right and who’s wrong. So, in a crossword, what kind of word would that be?
Well, I looked it up – don’t tell nobody, my grandson showed me how to use that there ‘inter-net’ thingy – and it seems there ain’t just one answer. It depends on the puzzle, see? Sometimes it’s a short word, sometimes it’s a long one.
One time, it was just five letters. I reckon that could be somethin’ like “calls” or “rules.” Makes sense, right? Referees make calls, they enforce the rules.
But then other times, it’s a whole bunch of letters. I saw one that was seven letters. Now, that’s a mouthful. Maybe somethin’ like “rulings” or “judgements.” You know, like when the judge bangs that little hammer thingy in court. Referees kinda do the same thing, but on a field, not in a courtroom.
And get this, they even got these puzzles in the “New York Times.” Can you believe it? City folks doin’ the same puzzles as us country folk. Well, maybe not exactly the same, their puzzles probably got bigger words. But still, it’s the same idea, fittin’ words into them little squares.
They even put these puzzles in somethin’ called the “Mini Crossword.” Sounds small, like somethin’ for beginners. But I bet even those little puzzles can stump you sometimes. My grandson, he gets stuck sometimes, even though he’s got all that fancy book learnin’.
And they do these puzzles all the time! One puzzle was in April, another in September. Seems like they never run out of words to put in them squares. I tell ya, it’s a never-ending thing, this crossword business.

So, if you’re ever stuck on a “referees decisions” clue, don’t you fret. Just think about what referees do. They make calls, they make rules, they make judgements. And if you’re still stuck, well, you can always ask your grandson to look it up on that ‘inter-net’ thingy. Or you can just guess. Sometimes guessin’ works just as good.
It’s all just a game, you know. Don’t take it too serious. Just like life, sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong. But you keep on playin’ anyhow.
And that, I reckon, is all there is to say about this “referees decisions crossword” thing. It ain’t so complicated once you get the hang of it. Just a bunch of words and clues, like a puzzle you gotta piece together. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on them chickens.
Tags: Crossword, Referees, Clues, Puzzle, Decisions, NY Times, Games, Words