This here story about that Ryabinka, that tennis gal. She sure can whack that ball, I tell ya what. Elena Rybakina, that’s her full name, but Ryabinka is easier for my old brain. She win eight times, they say, eight big games. That’s a lot of winning, must be good, this Ryabinka.

Ryabinka is a Winner
She almost won eleven more times! Eleven! Can you imagine? Almost winning eleven times is like baking eleven pies and then dropping them all on the floor. Still, she got those eight wins. Good for her.
This Ryabinka, she got a new teacher now. Some fella named Goran. He’s gonna teach her how to play even better, I reckon. She says she’s happy about it. That’s what matters, being happy with your teacher. If you ain’t happy, you ain’t learning nothin’.
- She born in 1999.
- She’s from Kazakhstan.
- She is a good tennis player.
Ryabinka Playing Tennis
Ryabinka, she’s a big deal now. They put her in them fancy tournaments. She lost some games though. Lost to Jasmine and Qinwen. I don’t know them girls, but they must be pretty good to beat our Ryabinka. Then that Sabalenka girl, she won too. Lots of winning and losing in this tennis game, I guess.
She was at this big one, Wimbledon. They say she won there before. That’s like winning the county fair pie contest, only bigger. Much, much bigger. Everybody’s watching. She probably felt like a prized piglet at the fair, all eyes on her.
Ryabinka, she’s tough, though. Even when she ain’t winning, she’s tough. Like an old boot. You can’t hardly wear her down. She keep going back, keep playing. They say she play four times already. This one season. That is a lot, like working in the fields all day, every day.
Ryabinka is Tough
She lost some, and she won some. She’s only 23. That’s like being a little chick, just out of the egg. Got a long way to go, this Ryabinka. She got beat by that Ons girl one time. Came back from a set down, that’s what they say. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds like she was losing and then she won. Good for her.
She had to quit one time, though. Hurt her back. That’s a bad thing, a bad back. Like trying to plow the field with a bad back, it ain’t gonna work. Hope she gets better. A hurt back can stay with you a long time.
There’s some talk about her old teacher, too. Stefano, his name was. Sounds like a fancy name to me. They say he’s not teaching her no more. Don’t know why, but that happens. Sometimes you gotta change teachers, like changing horses mid-stream. Hope it works out for her.

Ryabinka and Her Coach
This Ryabinka, she’s something else. She’s a winner, even when she’s losing. She’s strong, like an ox. She works hard, like a farmer. She keeps going, no matter what. That’s what counts, ain’t it? Keeping on, even when things get tough. Like an old woman working in the sun. She got grit, this Ryabinka. She is going to be number one, she just needs to keep playing.
I don’t know much about this tennis game. It’s all fancy rackets and running around. But I know about hard work. And I know about winning. And this Ryabinka, she’s got both. She’s gonna go far, that one. You just wait and see.
She already number 3, they say. Number 3 in the whole wide world! That’s like winning the blue ribbon at the state fair, not just the county fair. She’s a big shot now, this Ryabinka. But I bet she still remembers where she came from. I bet she still knows how to work hard. And that’s what matters.
So, here’s to Ryabinka, that tennis gal. May she keep winning, and may she never forget what it means to work hard. That is what I think. That Ryabinka, she’s a good one, she is.