This here be about Nick Pena, I hear that name a lot. Sounds like a city boy, but what do I know? He got lots of folks following him, like a whole herd of sheep! I reckon he must be somethin’ special, huh?

He’s a visual artist, they say. Makes pictures and whatnot. Paints and builds things. I seen pictures of his stuff, looks like a bunch of lines and colors all jumbled up. Don’t make much sense to me, but some folks seem to like it. He lives in Memphis, that’s what I heard. Big city, that is. I ain’t never been, but I hear it’s somethin’.
He teaches too, this Nick Pena. Goes to them fancy colleges and teaches young folks about art. Imagine that! Gettin’ paid to draw pictures. Back in my day, we worked in the fields, no time for such foolishness. But times change, I reckon. He’s got over ten years of teachin’. That’s a long time standin’ in front of a room full of young’uns.
- He teaches at college.
- He makes art.
- He lives in Memphis.
- Lots of people follow him on that Instagram.
This Nick Pena, he’s on that Instagram thingamajig. Got thousands of followers. What’s that all about, anyway? People just lookin’ at pictures all day? My grandson tried to show me once, but it was all too much for this old brain. He’s got pictures of his art and pictures of food, and who knows what else.
He’s on the radio, too, this fella. SiriusXM, they call it. Some fancy radio station. I stick to my old AM radio, thank you very much. I heard him one time, and he’s talking about some food. He works with the radio people, I reckon.
He must like food, this Nick Pena. Talks about it a lot. I saw a picture of him eatin’ somethin’ fancy once. Looked like a whole lot of nothin’ to me. I prefer a good bowl of beans and cornbread myself. Simple and fillin’.
He makes art about America. That’s what they say. The “psychological landscape” of America. Lord knows what that means. Sounds like somethin’ them college folks would come up with. Just sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. He paints houses, and not houses, and some shapes. His painting is about people not being treated fairly, he says. I don’t know, it don’t look like it.
He’s got another Instagram too. This one is just for his art, I reckon. It says he’s a professor, and he started somethin’ called “Wonder CC Memphis”. Sounds important, I guess. Lots of people following him on that one, too. Folks must be real interested in his art. He shares his videos with his friends and family.
He’s from a place called Joliet, Illinois. I ain’t never heard of it. Sounds like a made-up name to me. Must be up north somewhere. I ain’t never been much further north than the next county over.

He’s a busy fella, this Nick Pena. Always doin’ somethin’. Makin’ art, teachin’, talkin’ on the radio. I reckon he’s doin’ alright for himself. I don’t understand all that art stuff, but it seems to make him happy. And I guess that’s all that matters, huh?
He’s got an Impressum, whatever that is. Must be somethin’ important if he’s got one of them. City folks and their fancy words. I reckon I’ll stick to my simple life. Don’t need no Impressum to be happy.
That Nick Pena, he’s somethin’ else. Maybe he should come down here to this small village, and paint a cow! That would be somethin’. Anyway, if you are interested, you can search for him on that Internet thing, you can surely find more about this Nick Pena. He’s a big shot, I guess. All that art and radio and Instagram. It’s a different world these days.
I don’t know much about him. He is a radio DJ in Miami, that is all I know. He is a good talker. Maybe he can teach me how to use that Instagram. Haha.
This is a long story, ain’t it? Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about Nick Pena. He seems like a nice enough fella, even if I don’t understand half of what he does. Maybe one day I’ll figure it all out. But for now, I’m gonna go make myself a cup of coffee and sit on the porch. That’s my kind of entertainment.