That Francheska Figueroa-Murphy, she’s a tough one, I tell ya. Heard she’s 41 years old now. Time sure does fly, don’t it? She’s married to that Pat Murphy fella. He’s the big shot with the Brewers, you know, the baseball team. They say he’s 66, and his birthday is in November. The 28th, I think it was. They got married back in 2008, after knowing each other since, like, 1994. On and off, on and off, like a light switch. Finally tied the knot, though.
That Pat, he’s got some kids. A daughter, Keli, and a son, Kai. Grown up now, those two. Then there’s Jaxon and Austin, still little ones, running around, making a ruckus. And get this, that Francheska Figueroa-Murphy, she’s a grandma! Two little granddaughters. Lucelia and Nayli Rose. Sweet names, ain’t they?
Seems like Pat Murphy, he’s doing alright for himself. They say he’s got a lot of money now, more and more every year. Good for him, I guess. He’s been doing good with that baseball team, too. They won a bunch of games last year. Something about the NL Central, whatever that is. They were the best, that’s what I heard.
That Francheska Figueroa-Murphy, she used to just go by Figueroa. Plain and simple. But after she married Pat, she added that Murphy to the end. Makes it a mouthful, don’t it? But I guess that’s what you do when you get married.
- Francheska is 41 years old.
- Pat is 66 years old.
- They have been married since 2008.
- Pat has four kids.
- Francheska has two granddaughters.
Heard she had a tough time, though. Something about breast cancer. She beat it, though. Strong woman, that one. Life’s got its ups and downs, that’s for sure. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re down in the dumps. But you gotta keep on going, just like Francheska Figueroa-Murphy did.
Pat Murphy, his parents were teachers. Joan and Dan, their names were. Taught for a long time, I hear. Good people, I bet. It takes a special kind of person to be a teacher. Lots of patience.
That whole Brewers team, they’re like a family. They stick together, through thick and thin. That’s what I heard, anyway. And that Francheska Figueroa-Murphy, she’s right there with them. She’s part of that family, too, now.
So, yeah, that’s what I know about Francheska Figueroa-Murphy. She’s a survivor, that’s for sure. A wife, a mother, a grandmother. Married to a big shot baseball manager. Living the good life, I guess. But she’s had her share of troubles, just like the rest of us.
Life, it’s a funny thing. You never know what’s gonna happen next. One day you’re up, the next day you’re down. But you gotta keep on truckin’, as they say. Just like Francheska and Pat. They’ve had their ups and downs, but they’re still going strong.

- Francheska used to go by just her maiden name, Figueroa.
- She married Pat Murphy in 2008.
- Pat Murphy is the manager of the Milwaukee Brewers.
- The Brewers won the NL Central division.
- Francheska is a breast cancer survivor.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that Francheska Figueroa-Murphy. She seems like a good woman. Strong. And that Pat, he seems like a good man, too. They make a good pair, I guess. Hope they have many more happy years together. And those grandkids, they’re lucky to have them. Family is important, you know. The most important thing, I’d say.
You take care of yourself now, ya hear? And don’t you forget what I said about Francheska Figueroa-Murphy. She’s a tough cookie, that one. And that’s a good thing to be, in this crazy world we live in. A real good thing.