That Drew Lock, you know, the football fella, he got himself a girlfriend. Her name is Natalie. I heard they even got married! Imagine that.

They say this Natalie girl, she started seeing Drew back in, oh, I think it was 2019. Right around when he started playing for that Denver team, the Broncos. Big football guy, that Drew.
Well, this Natalie, she was born in Florida. Sunshine state, they call it. She’s younger than Drew, I reckon. 1997, that is when she was born. They started dating in 2019, September, I heard. That’s what folks are saying.
She put it out there, on that picture thing, Instagram. Said she was his biggest fan and all that. Posted a picture of them at the Broncos’ stadium. Big field, lots of folks watching those games. This all about Drew Lock girlfriend, you know.
And then, in April 2023, they went and got hitched. Married! They had that little baby boy not long after. Fast work, them two.
Now, Drew, he’s playing for the New York Giants now. Big city, New York. Lots of hustle and bustle. Not like it was back in Denver. He plays quarterback for them, throws the ball around.
He signed a big contract with the Giants. I saw somewhere it was $5,000,000. That’s a lot of money for playing a game! He is a football player, and we talk about Drew Lock girlfriend.
- Drew Lock, he’s 28 years old now.
- He’s with the New York Giants now, that football team.
- Plays quarterback, throws the ball all over.
- Married to that Natalie girl.
- They got a baby boy.
He used to play for the Denver Broncos. Got picked by them in 2019, in the second round of that draft thing they do. Don’t rightly know what that all means, but it sounds important.
So, this Drew Lock girlfriend, she’s his wife now, Natalie. They seem happy, those two. Got a little family going. Living the big life in New York City, I guess. All that money from playing football. It is something, isn’t it?

I remember when folks just played games for fun, not for all that money. But times change, I suppose. Still, it’s nice to see young folks happy. Even if it’s all fancy and in the big city.
This Natalie, she seems like a nice girl. Always smiling in those pictures. Good for Drew, finding a nice girl like that. It’s important to have someone, you know. Especially when you’re in the spotlight like he is.
Playing football, it’s a tough job, I imagine. Lots of pressure. Good to have someone to come home to. Someone who supports you, no matter what. That’s what that Natalie seems to be for Drew.
They say love makes the world go ’round. Well, maybe it does. Seems to be working out for those two. Drew and his wife, Natalie. Living their life, playing football, raising a baby. It’s the American dream, ain’t it?
And she was just Drew Lock girlfriend, and now she is his wife. They get married in April 2023. That is fast, you know.
Five million dollars! For one year! Just to play football. Can you believe that? That’s more money than I’ve seen in my whole life. And he gets it for playing a game. Well, I guess it’s more than just a game to them. It is a big business now.
But, like I said, they seem happy. And that’s what matters. Money can’t buy you happiness, they say. But it sure can buy you a big house in New York City, I reckon. And a lot of diapers for that baby!
Well, I guess that’s all I know about Drew Lock and his wife, Natalie. Just a football player and his girl, living the dream. Hope they stay happy, those two. It’s a crazy world out there, but they seem to be doing alright.