You know that Dimitrov, that tennis fella? Well, he’s got a new girlfriend. Her name is Madalina Ghenea, and she used to date a lot of famous guys. I saw it somewhere, I think it was that 2023 thing, and they broke up this year, 2024 or something.

That Dimitrov, he’s a good tennis player, they say. From Bulgaria. Best one they got, I reckon. He used to go out with that other pretty girl, the one who sings, what’s her name? Nicole something. Before that, it was some other tennis gal. This Madalina, she’s pretty, too.
They say this Madalina Ghenea, she’s from some place called Slatina, born in, uh, 1988, I think it was. And this Dimitrov girlfriend, she’s been with lots of fancy men, movie stars and what not. Leonardo, that’s one. Butler. Fassbender. Big names, they tell me.
She ain’t no plain Jane, that Madalina Ghenea. She was with this Dimitrov since last year, 2023, they say. But it is over now. She said she was with him for like six years, partners and friends, but they are always so busy, that’s why they break up. This Dimitrov, always playing tennis, travelling. This Madalina, she’s always busy, too, I guess.
This Dimitrov, he’s been with a few. Before this Madalina, it was that Nicole Scherzinger. Pretty singer, that one. They were together a few years, until 2019. Before her, there was another one, that tennis player. Sharapova, that’s the one! They broke up in, uh, 2015.
This Dimitrov girlfriend, she’s been at his tennis games, they say. Cheering him on. He needs someone to cheer him on, I reckon. It’s hard work, all that running around.
So, this Madalina Ghenea, she’s the new one. Well, not new anymore, I guess. Used to be.
- Dimitrov, he’s from Bulgaria.
- Madalina Ghenea, she’s from Slatina.
- They were together since 2023, but not anymore.
- He used to date Nicole Scherzinger, the singer.
- Before that, he dated Sharapova, the tennis player.
That is all about Dimitrov girlfriend. I heard it from somewhere, can’t remember where, maybe my neighbor told me. He likes to talk about these things, movie stars, tennis players, always gossiping. He says Dimitrov is a big deal, this tennis player. Maybe he is.
This Madalina Ghenea, I don’t know much about her, ‘cept she’s pretty and she’s been with famous men. That’s what they say, anyway. She must be something special to get all those fellas.

Dimitrov, he’s a good player. I saw him on the TV once, hitting that little ball back and forth. Looks tiring. He must be strong to do that all day. And he travels all over the world, playing tennis. Must be a hard life, but I guess he likes it.
I guess this Madalina Ghenea and Dimitrov, they have a good life. But they are not together anymore. Too busy, I reckon.
Well, that’s all I know about that Dimitrov and his girlfriend. Just some folks I heard about. That Madalina used to date some big shots, Leonardo, Butler, you know. Big movie stars.
Anyway, that Dimitrov, he sure gets around. Lots of pretty girlfriends. This tennis life, it’s something else. They get to meet all sorts of people. Famous people.
I guess being a girlfriend of someone like Dimitrov, it’s a whole different world. Lots of travelling, I suppose. Fancy parties. Not like around here.
They say this Madalina Ghenea is an actress. I haven’t seen any of her movies, though. Maybe they don’t show them around here. I mostly watch them cooking shows, you know?
So, yeah, Dimitrov girlfriend, that’s the news. Well, old news now. I don’t know who he’s with now. Probably another pretty one. He seems to like pretty girls, that Dimitrov.