Well, well, well, look what we got here. Another one of them “throw out as from a game” things. Heard folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. Seems like everybody’s scratchin’ their heads over this one, huh?

This old brain ain’t what it used to be, but I reckon I can help ya figure this out. See, when you talk ’bout throwin’ somethin’ out, ‘specially in a game, it means it ain’t no good no more. Gone. Finished. Kaput! Like that time I tried to play cards with those young’uns, and they threw me right outta the game because they said I was too slow. Said I was holdin’ them up. Can you believe that?
So, this “throw out as from a game” thing in the NYT… it’s like when somethin’s gotta go. Like when you’re playin’ a game, and you get a bad hand, gotta toss some cards out. Or like when you’re cleanin’ out the shed, and you find a bunch of junk. What do you do? You throw it out! Same idea, I reckon.
Now, this whole thing, it showed up in one of them crossword puzzles. I seen them before. Lots of little boxes all over the place. People fill ’em in with words. Don’t rightly know why, but they do. This particular one, it was in the New York Times, or somethin’ like that. Big fancy newspaper. They got all sorts of things in there. December 5th, that was the day. The one and the same day.
It is a clue for them to figure out what to fill in. It said it was a “mini” one, so I guess that means it was a small one. Not one of them big ones that take all day. Those ones are like those quilts that Mildred makes. Takes her forever to piece ’em together.
Now, you think that something like this is easy, but it ain’t. They make it tricky, like tryin’ to catch a greased pig. Hard to get a hold of. But if you think on it long enough, you can figure it out. This clue, it’s been around. They used it in the New York Times before. Those folks, they like to repeat things, I guess. Keeps folks on their toes.
I heard some folks sayin’ they found like, thirty different answers to this whole “throw out as from a game” thing. Thirty! Can you believe it? Seems like a lot to me. But hey, what do I know? I just grow tomatoes and yell at the squirrels that try to steal ’em.
Anyways, this ain’t the first time this clue has been used. Nope. It was used again on December 27th. Seems like they just like that one.
There was something about them putting letters into squares. They are calling that “rebus”. Sounds like another word for rubbish. More than one letter in one box. Now why would they do that?

They got these puzzles every day. And they start easy, and then they get harder as the week goes on. Monday is the easy one, and Saturday, well, that’s like tryin’ to herd cats. Impossible! Then there’s a big one on Sunday in the magazine. Lord have mercy.
Here’s some things that might help you, if you’re still confused:
- Throw out: Like gettin’ rid of somethin’. Tossin’ it away.
- Game: Somethin’ you play, like cards or checkers, or them things the young’uns play on their phones these days.
- NYT: That’s short for that fancy newspaper, the New York Times.
- Mini Crossword: It’s a small puzzle with words.
- December 5 2023: That’s when this whole thing showed up.
So, there ya have it. That’s all this old timer can tell ya about this “throw out as from a game” business. Hope it helps ya some. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go chase those darn squirrels away from my tomatoes again. They are always tryin’ to steal my tomatoes. They’re worse than them crossword puzzles, I tell ya!