So, I heard about Bryan Danielson getting injured again. Saw some reports, I think it was his orbital bone this time? Rough stuff. Watching those AEW shows, you see the bumps they take, but it still hits you when something serious happens, especially to a guy like him who just seems to wrestle with everything he’s got.

It really got me thinking, actually. Not just about wrestling, but about pushing through things. It reminded me of something stupid I did a while back. Nothing nearly as dramatic, obviously. I was trying to finish building some shelves in the garage. Had been at it all day, getting tired, a bit sloppy. My shoulder started acting up, like a dull ache telling me to knock it off for the day.
But did I listen? Nope. I wanted it done. Just gotta push through, right? Be tough. Finish the job. So I kept going, lifting awkward pieces of wood, reaching, straining. Felt a sharper tweak but ignored that too. Big mistake.
What Happened Next Wasn’t Pretty
Next morning, couldn’t lift my arm past my shoulder without serious pain. Took weeks before it felt anywhere near normal again. All because I was stubborn and didn’t listen to what my body was telling me. Couldn’t even lift a grocery bag properly for a bit. Felt like a real idiot, honestly. All that trouble just for some shelves I could have finished the next weekend.
It made me think about guys like Danielson. Their pain tolerance must be through the roof. And the pressure they’re under:
- Finish the match.
- Deliver for the crowd.
- Stick to the plan.
It’s their job, and they often push through injuries that would have guys like me crying uncle immediately. An orbital bone fracture… man, that’s serious. You see them carry on, and part of you admires the toughness, but another part just thinks about the cost.
My little garage incident was nothing, just a lesson learned about listening to my own limits. But seeing Danielson sidelined again, it’s just a stark reminder of the risks these athletes take every single time they step in the ring. It’s a tough way to make a living. Hope he recovers quickly and properly. Being sidelined, even from building shelves, is frustrating. Can’t imagine what it’s like when your whole career is on the line.