Alright, alright, let’s gab about this Tiger Woods fella and his, uh, lady friends. Folks keep askin’ me, “Who’s Tiger Woods’ girlfriend now?” Like I got all the answers! But I heard some things, seen some things on that there internet thingy my grandson showed me, so I’ll tell ya what I know.

So, this Tiger, he’s a big shot golfer, right? Always in the news, winnin’ tournaments and whatnot. And seems like he has a bit of a, how you say, a complicated love life. For a while there, everyone was talkin’ about this Erica Herman woman. Erica Herman, that’s the name they kept sayin’.
- She was his girlfriend for a good long spell, maybe five, six years, somethin’ like that.
- Folks said she worked at his restaurant, The Woods Jupiter, servin’ food and such.
- Fancy restaurant, I reckon, not like the diner down the road here.
But then, things got messy. Real messy. Heard tell there was lawsuits and all sorts of trouble. This Erica, she up and sued Tiger. Said somethin’ about wantin’ out of some paper she signed, a secret-keepin’ paper, they call it. Said it had somethin’ to do with, well, I ain’t gonna say the words, but it was bad stuff, the kind of stuff you don’t talk about in polite company.
Now, this lawsuit thing, that happened back in, when was it? Oh, around March of last year, 2023. And that’s when folks started sayin’ they weren’t together no more. But see, even before that, there was whispers of trouble. Another lawsuit, they say, back in October of 2022. Seems like these two were havin’ problems for a while.
So, is Erica Herman still Tiger Woods’ girlfriend? Well, from what I hear, no siree. They done split up. All that lawsuit mess kinda makes it clear they ain’t cuddlin’ up by the fire no more, if you catch my drift.
Now, who he’s datin’ now, that’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? The internet folks, they keep up with these things, but I ain’t heard nothin’ solid. Some places say they was together till 2022, some say they still together then they split in 2023. He’s a rich and famous fella, that Tiger, so I reckon he won’t be lonely for long. Probably got gals linin’ up, tryin’ to be the next Mrs. Tiger Woods, or at least the next girlfriend.
It’s hard to keep track of these young folks and their romances. Back in my day, you married someone and that was that. None of this datin’ and breakin’ up and lawsuits and such. But hey, times change, I guess. And these rich and famous folks, well, they live in a whole different world than us regular people.
Tiger Woods’ relationship history seems like a whole lotta drama, I tell ya. From what I gather, he was married before, to some model gal. That didn’t work out neither. Seems like this Tiger fella has a hard time keepin’ a woman happy. Maybe he’s too busy hittin’ golf balls, or maybe he’s just, well, never mind. I ain’t one to gossip, even though I just spent the last few minutes doin’ just that!
Anyway, the long and short of it is, Tiger Woods and Erica Herman ain’t a thing no more. Who’s he with now? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe nobody, maybe somebody new. We’ll just have to wait and see what them internet folks and gossip magazines tell us next. But one thing’s for sure, this Tiger Woods and his love life, it sure keeps folks talkin’, don’t it?

But let me tell ya something, all this mess with the lawsuits and the breakups, it just goes to show ya that money ain’t everything. You can have all the money in the world, be the best golfer ever, and still have problems in your personal life. Just goes to show, we’re all just people, no matter how rich or famous we are. We all gotta deal with heartbreak and trouble, one way or another.
And as for who Tiger Woods is dating now? Well, until I hear it from the horse’s mouth, or see it on that there internet thingy again, I ain’t gonna believe a word of it. These stories, they change faster than the weather around here. So, for now, I’m just gonna say that Tiger Woods’ girlfriend situation is a big ol’ question mark. And that’s all I got to say about that.
Tags: Tiger Woods, Erica Herman, Girlfriend, Relationship, Breakup, Lawsuit, Dating, Celebrity