That Andre Agassi, he sure is somethin’. Heard he got himself hitched to that Steffi Graf. You know, the tennis gal. They say she’s good, real good. He was married before, to that Brooke Shields girl, the one on the TV. Didn’t last, though. This one with Steffi, maybe this one’s the charm.

They met a long time ago, I reckon. Playin’ tennis, both of ’em. He liked her, they say. Had a crush, like a schoolboy. Funny, ain’t it? Big tennis stars, actin’ like kids. She had a fella, though. And he was with that Brooke Shields. They met back when they both won that Wimbledon thing. Fancy name, Wimbledon. Sounds like a silly place.
They say Andre Agassi, he’s a good one, though. World number one, whatever that means. Just means he hits that little ball real good, I guess. Steffi Graf, she was number one, too. Two peas in a pod, these two. They got married in 2001. That’s a while back now. Time sure does fly, don’t it?
They got two young’uns now. A boy and a girl. Jaden and, uh… I forget the girl’s name. Doesn’t matter. Two kids. That’s a blessin’. Hope they’re raised right. Playin’ tennis, maybe? Or somethin’ else. Don’t matter, long as they’re happy.
- They both played tennis.
- Andre Agassi liked Steffi.
- They got married in 2001.
- They got two kids.
- Hope they’re happy. That’s all that matters.
Steffi Graf, she’s from Germany. Far away place. Don’t know much about it. Heard it’s cold there. She was born in some place called Brühl. Don’t know where that is. Probably a small town, like this one. She started playin’ tennis when she was just a little thing. Good for her. Found somethin’ she was good at and stuck with it.
They played in that Roland-Garros thing, too. Another fancy name. They played together, I guess. Seems like they like to do everything together, these two. Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, they’re a pair, all right. Two of a kind. It’s a good thing, findin’ someone like that. Someone you can share your life with. Someone who understands you. Especially when you’re both famous and all that.
He said somethin’ once, Andre Agassi did. Said it’s better to be lucky than good. Maybe he’s right. He’s good at tennis, that’s for sure. But he’s lucky to have found Steffi. They both are. Lucky to have found each other. They say what they have is special. Transcended everything, he said. Big words for a simple thing. Love. That’s all it is. Plain and simple love.
That Brooke Shields, she was pretty. But pretty ain’t everything. You need someone who’s gonna be there for you. Through thick and thin. Someone who’s gonna stick by you, no matter what. Looks like Andre Agassi found that in Steffi Graf. Good for him. Good for both of ’em.
They don’t play tennis no more, though. Retired, they call it. Hangin’ up their rackets. Time to do somethin’ else, I guess. Raise their kids. Enjoy life. That’s what it’s all about, ain’t it? Enjoying life. Being happy. They have a good love story. A real good one.

You know, it’s funny. People talkin’ about Andre Agassi wife, all the time. Like it’s some big mystery. It ain’t no mystery. It’s just two people who fell in love. Two people who found each other. Two people who are happy. That’s all there is to it. And they both good at hitting that little ball over the net. They seem happy, and I hope their kids are doing good, too. Life ain’t always easy, but havin’ someone by your side sure does help. That’s what I always say. And they have each other. That’s more than most folks have.
So, there you have it. That’s all I know about Andre Agassi and his wife, Steffi. They’re just two people, livin’ their lives. Just like the rest of us. Only difference is they can hit a tennis ball better than most folks can walk. Maybe that’s why people keep talking about that Andre Agassi wife thing. And you know what? That’s alright, I guess. It’s nice to see two people happy. Especially in this crazy world. I hope they stay that way for many years. That’s a good thing, seeing two people make it work. A real good thing. That’s something to admire.