That big round thing in the sky, you know, the moon, people went up there. Long time ago, it was big news, all over the papers.

The first guy to say something up there, his name was Neil Armstrong. Yeah, that’s the one. He was on that Apollo 11 thing. They called it a flight. Like a bird, but bigger, and way up high. They landed on the moon. Can you believe it? July 20th, that was the day. A long, long time ago.
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
So, this Neil fella, he gets out of that thing they landed in, and he says something. He says, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” That’s what he said. Right there on the moon. First words on the moon, from his mouth.
He meant to say “for a man”, he said later. You know, like it was just one little step for him, but a big deal for everyone else. Like, we all did it together, somehow, even though we were just sitting here watching it on the TV.
He put his foot down, his left one, I heard. Right on the moon. And he says that thing about the step. That’s the first words on the moon. Nobody said nothing before that, up there. Just him. First words ever, on the moon.
- Apollo 11 went to the moon
- Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon
- He said something important
First Words on the Moon
They went up there in January, I think. Something like that. At least, that’s when they said they were going. Then in July, they did it. Went all the way up there and landed. And he said that thing. “One small step.” Just like that.
Other men went up there too, after him. Twelve of them, I think I heard. They all said something when they stepped out. But Neil, he was the first. His words were the first ones spoken up there. The very first words on the moon.
It was a big deal, you know. Everyone was talking about it. Said it was beautiful. Like nothing they ever saw before. This Neil fella, he was a brave one, going up there like that. And saying those words. First words anyone ever said on that big, round moon.
People still talk about it, you know. About Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11. About that “one small step.” It’s a famous thing he said. The first words spoken on the moon. Like, history, you know? Big, important history. And it all started with that one little step, and those few words.

That Neil fella, he was something else. Going up to the moon and talking like that. It was sure something to see. And to hear. The first words on the moon. Yep, that was something. Something big. I remember it.
The Eagle landed, he said that, too, when they got there. Then he got out and said that other thing, about the step. He said, later he meant to say “for a man,” which make more sense to me. A small step for him, a big one for everyone else. I guess it makes sense, but when I heard it, I thought it was a bit odd.
Still, though, that’s what he said. First thing. Right there on the moon. Can you believe it? They called it a lunar module. The thing they landed in. Fancy name, huh? But yeah, that’s where he was, on the moon, saying those words. The very first.
All those other men, they went up later. They had their own words. But Neil’s were the first. That’s why it’s so important. It was a big deal, landing on the moon. A huge deal. And he made it even bigger, with those words. “One small step.” Just like that. Right on the moon.
Neil Armstrong’s Words
He was a hero, that Neil. Brave as they come. And smart, too, I guess. You gotta be smart to go to the moon. And to come up with those words, too. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It’s like poetry, kinda. Except it happened on the moon, not in some book.
They were all brave, those men. Going up there, not knowing what they’d find. But Neil, he was the bravest, I think. Being the first and all. And saying those words. It’s like he was talking for all of us. For everyone on Earth. Right there, on the moon. First guy to talk on the moon. Just amazing.
And they did it, they went to the moon. And Neil Armstrong, he said those words. The first words on the moon. It’s something, ain’t it? It really is something. I won’t forget it, that’s for sure. I remember when it happened. I was watching it on TV. It was amazing. They went to the moon! And they talked on it. Neil Armstrong talked. He said it was one small step, but a giant leap. And he was right. It was a giant leap. For all of us.