Oh, that Elden Ring, my grandson always play it. He always talking ’bout this sword of morne thing. Sounds powerful, I guess. He always yelling at the screen when he fights with it. What a time to be alive, seeing all these fancy things. I heard this sword is very good.

If you want make build, you need this sword. This boy, always told me you need “strength”. He say “strength build” good for this sword. I don’t know what “build” is, but it must be important. In my time we just worked, but now it’s all games. He keeps saying some words, makes no sense to me. He said “Somber weapons”, what does that even mean? Sounds sad to me.
He show me one time, this sword, it big. He swing it, make big boom on screen. Lots of enemies, they all fall down. He happy, I happy. We used to work the fields, now we watch little man on screen, so much easier. He say sword make lots of “damage”. He also talk ’bout “Stamp (Upward Cut)” a lot. He say it good, I guess it must be good. This sword of morne, it really something. He also says “hyper armor”. I think it means you don’t get hurt much.
That grandson of mine, he smart boy. He say you need “Vigor” for this sword. Lots of “Vigor”. He say 50 “Vigor”. Also need “Mind”, 30 “Mind”. Then “Endurance”, he say 26 or 27. And then “Strength”, he say 8. He good at math, always counting. He said some other swords are good too. He said “Gargoyles Greatsword”. Sounds scary. Also said “Iron Greatsword”. I guess you need lots of strength for that one too.
- Need lots of “Vigor”.
- Some “Mind”.
- “Endurance” too.
- Need that “Strength”.
He say this sword good for whole game. He say it “OP”. I don’t know what that mean, but he say it a lot. He say it good from beginning. He play all day, that boy. Always with that sword of morne. I guess this sword of morne is really good. It is very strong, that’s what my grandson always said.
He told me there are many other swords, not just sword of morne. He said there is “Curved sword: Magma Blades”. That sounds hot. I don’t like hot things. He also said “Curved Greatsword: Magmawyrm Scalesword”. That one is very long, too long of a name. Then he said “Great Hammer: Envoy Longhorn”. I think that one is like a big hammer, must be very strong. I saw him use this one, very strong. But I think my grandson still prefer sword of morne.
This sword, it make my grandson happy. He play all day, every day. Sometimes I worry, but he happy. He say this sword best in game. He very good at game, always winning. I think this sword, make him strong in game. I don’t know much about these things, but I know my grandson is happy. And that’s all that matters to me. He told me that playing game make him happy. Back in my days, we are happy if we have food. Now, it’s this sword of morne.
I see him play, he always use this sword. He swing it around, make lots of noise. Monsters fall down, he cheer. He say this sword best for “strength build”. I don’t know what that is, but it sound strong. He always talk about “builds” and “stats”. I don’t understand, but he does. He always use that word, “stat”. Must be important, cause he always say it.
He say this sword good for beginners too. I guess it easy to use. He always let his little brother play. Little brother also use this sword. They both happy, playing together. This sword, it bring them together. They used to fight a lot, but now they play this game. It good to see them happy. This sword of morne, it good for family. It bring us closer, I think.

This sword, it special. My grandson say it rare. He say not many people have it. He very proud to have it. He show it off to his friends. They all want it. But he say it his. He worked hard to get it, he say. He play many hours to get it. He say it worth it. I believe him. He very happy with it. It must be very special, this sword.
One day, maybe I try this game. Maybe I use this sword. But for now, I watch. I watch my grandson play. I watch him happy. And that make me happy. This sword, it more than just sword. It happiness. It family. It good times. It Elden Ring. It sword of morne. This sword is really good, I can tell. Just by looking at my grandson’s face, I know.