This here thing, this “The M of G.M.” crossword clue, it’s got me all riled up. It ain’t easy, you know. My brain ain’t what it used to be. But I’m gonna tell ya what I think about it, best I can. And if you’re looking for some crossword clue help, maybe this old lady can help you out.

So, this G.M., what’s that all about? Well, G.M., that’s gotta be that car company, right? Makes them big cars. Now they askin’ about the “M”. That’s the tricky part. What’s that “M” stand for? You see it in them crosswords all the time, the “M” of G.M. People gettin’ all confused about it. They say “The M of G.M. crossword clue” and their faces get all scrunched up like they just bit into a lemon. Well, I done some thinkin’ and some askin’ around, and here’s what I come up with.
First off, there’s this thing called “wordplay.” That’s like a game with words, making ’em mean somethin’ different, all twisty like. Like when they say “YMCA.” That ain’t just some letters. It stands for somethin’, “Young Men’s Christian Association.” Big fancy words, but it’s like a club, you see? They help people out, them folks at the YMCA. They do good work. The letter is part of something bigger, so when you see a crossword clue, it might be part of something bigger, too.
Now, back to that “M.” Some folks say it might be some fancy word. But you know what? I think it’s somethin’ simple. Somethin’ right under our noses. G.M. makes cars, right? And what makes a car go? It ain’t just wishin’ and hopin’. It’s the motor! That’s what I think. That “M” stands for “motor.” It’s gotta be. It just makes sense, don’t it? You got the car company, G.M., and the thing that makes the cars go is the motor. M for motor. There you have it. Crossword clue answered.
- That G.M., that’s a car company.
- The “M”, that’s what we’re after.
- Cars need something to go.
- That something is a motor!
Now, there’s this other thing they talk about, “GMT”. That’s got an “M” in it, too. But it ain’t got nothin’ to do with cars, I don’t think. It’s somethin’ about time. Greenwich somethin’ time. Back in the old days, they used that to tell time, I reckon. From 1884 to 1972, they say. That’s a long time ago. So this crossword clue, it’s not about time, it’s about cars.
I seen it in the New York Times puzzle, they say. That’s a fancy paper. Lots of big words in there. And folks say there could be lots of answers for this “M” thing. They found forty, if you can believe it! Forty different things that “M” could be. But I still think it’s “motor.” That’s the one that makes the most sense to this old gal. Forty answers for one crossword clue! Can you believe that?
They also say this “M” thing was in a puzzle on February 5th, 2024. That’s not too long ago. And the answer had six letters. Well, “motor” has five letters. Maybe they added somethin’ else to it. Maybe they made it “motors” or somethin’. But the main part, the heart of it, is still “motor.”
And this other paper, the Chicago Sun-Times, they had it too, they say. In their quick crossword. So it ain’t just the New York folks scratchin’ their heads over this. It’s everybody. But they only found one answer. That’s more like it. One answer for a crossword clue is much better than forty.
These crosswords, they’re like riddles, they say. Tricky little things. They make you think. And sometimes, the answer is right there, plain as day. You just gotta look at it the right way. Like this “M” in G.M. It ain’t some fancy secret. It’s just “motor.” Plain and simple.

Now if you are still stuck on this crossword clue, you can ask around. You can look in them big books they got at the library. Or you can just use your common sense. Think about what G.M. is, and what that “M” could be. And I bet you’ll come up with the same answer I did. It’s gotta be “motor.” Or maybe “motors,” if they added an “s.” But it’s all about that thing that makes the cars go.
So there you have it. That’s my two cents on this whole “The M of G.M.” thing. Hope it helps you out some. And if you see any more of them tricky crosswords, you just think about what that old lady told ya. Sometimes the answer is simpler than you think. Just gotta use your noodle, that’s all. This whole crossword clue thing ain’t so hard if you just think about it.