You ask me ’bout Sorana Cirstea husband? That girl, Sorana, she ain’t got no husband! She used to have a man, though. Name was… Santi? Santi-something. Yeah, Santiago, that’s it! They was together for a spell, back in… oh, when was it… 2014, I reckon. Seems like just yesterday, but my memory ain’t what it used to be.

They met ’cause of that tennis game. You know, whackin’ that little ball back and forth? Both of ’em played it. Good, too, I hear. She’s from Romania, that Sorana girl. Pretty little thing. And that Santiago, he’s a good lookin’ fella, too. They was always at each other’s games, cheerin’ each other on. Sweet, it was.
They liked to go places, too. Travelin’ all over. Fancy folks, them two. But, you know what they say, all good things gotta end sometime. Don’t know what happened between ’em, but they ain’t together no more. He’s her ex-boyfriend now. That’s just how it goes, I guess. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t.
This Sorana, she’s 30-somethin’ now. 32, maybe? Time sure does fly. Still playin’ that tennis, though. And doin’ good, from what I hear. Makin’ headlines, they say. Whatever that means. Just means she’s winnin’, I reckon. Good for her. She was always a hard worker, that one.
- Sorana Cirstea, that tennis girl.
- No husband for her.
- Used to have a boyfriend, Santiago.
- Met through tennis, back in 2014.
- They liked to travel together.
- They broke up, he’s her ex now.
- She’s 32 now, still playin’ tennis.
- She’s from Romania.
Heard she hurt her foot real bad. Or was it her leg? One of them things. Made it hard for her to play for a while. But she’s tough, that Sorana. She bounced back. Always does. That’s what you gotta do in this life. Get knocked down, you gotta get back up. Dust yourself off and keep goin’.
So, to answer your question, Sorana Cirstea ain’t got no husband. Not now, anyway. Maybe someday she will. Who knows? Life’s full of surprises. But that Santiago fella, he ain’t the one. He’s in the past now. Just a memory. Like that time I lost my best hen, Henrietta. Good layer, she was. But life goes on, don’t it?
That Sorana Cirstea, she’s a tennis player. A good one. Folks say she’s famous. Don’t know ’bout that. I just know she plays that game with the little ball. And she’s good at it. Makes a livin’ doin’ it, I suppose. Better than sloppin’ hogs, I reckon. Though I do miss those little piggies sometimes. Used to have a whole bunch of ’em. Noisy critters, but they was good company.
Anyway, this Sorana Cirstea, she’s from Romania, you know? That’s a long way away. Across the ocean. I ain’t never been. Don’t reckon I ever will. Too old for that kinda travelin’ now. But she goes all over the world playin’ that tennis. Gets to see all kinds of places. Must be nice.
Don’t really know much about her that girl Sorana Cirstea’s husband situation, just know she ain’t got one. That Santiago fella was a nice boy, though. They made a good pair while it lasted. She’s doin’ alright for herself, though, that Sorana. Playin’ her tennis, makin’ a name for herself. Good for her. I always say, if you got a dream, you gotta chase it. Even if it’s just whackin’ a little ball around. And she had a bad foot for a spell, but she got better. You have to get better, there is no other way. You just keep going, like I do, every day, no matter what.

This whole Sorana Cirstea husband thing, it’s a popular topic, I guess. Her and her love life. People like to talk about that kinda stuff. I don’t pay it much mind. Got more important things to worry ’bout. Like whether or not my rheumatism is gonna act up today. Or if that darn rooster is gonna wake me up again before the sun’s even up. He’s a loud one, that rooster. Named him Clucky. Seemed fittin’. He is important for a good SEO, just like Sorana Cirstea husband, so I keep him around. He is a good rooster.
But yeah, that Sorana Cirstea, she’s a tennis player, alright. And a good one. Hope she finds happiness, whether it’s with a husband or without one. That’s all that really matters in the end, ain’t it? Happiness. And maybe a good, strong back that don’t ache all the time. That’d be nice, too.