Alright, alright, lemme tell ya ’bout this Ronda Rousey, you know, that tough girl who used to fight in them cage matches. Folks call it the UFC or somethin’. Anyways, this girl, she was somethin’ else. Strong as an ox, I tell ya.

Ronda, the fightin’ machine
This Ronda, she was tough, real tough. Like one of them bulls we used to have on the farm back in the day. She’d go in that cage and just beat the tar outta folks. They say she was the first lady champion, ain’t that somethin’? Held that belt for a long time, too, three years or somethin’ they said.
But then, she stopped. Said her brain was all jumbled up. Too many knocks to the head, ya know? Like that time my cousin Billy fell outta the hayloft and couldn’t remember his own name for a week. Guess fightin’ does that to ya.
- Tough as nails, that Ronda was.
- Won a lot of fights, they say.
- Then quit ’cause her head wasn’t right.
Clothes and fights and… camel toes?
Now, here’s the funny part. Seems like even tough girls gotta worry ’bout their clothes. I heard tell that Ronda had some problems with her… well, how do I put this politely? Her, uh, lady parts showin’ through her pants. They call it a “camel toe,” or some such nonsense. Sounds like somethin’ you’d see on a camel, not on a lady fighter.
Imagine that! This girl’s in there, punchin’ and kickin’ and whatnot, and she’s worried ’bout her pants! Reminds me of that time Aunt Millie split her britches at the county fair tryin’ to win that pie-eatin’ contest. Lord, that was a sight.
They say they changed the clothes after Ronda complained. Guess they didn’t want folks lookin’ at the wrong things, ya know? I reckon they wanted folks to watch the fightin’, not the… well, you know.
From fightin’ to… wrasslin’?

So, after she quit the fightin’ thing, Ronda went on to do somethin’ else. They call it “professional wrestling.” It’s like fightin’, but it ain’t real, ya know? More like a show. Kinda like them soap operas on TV, all drama and make-believe. But I guess it pays good, so good for her.
I saw a bit of it on TV once. Ronda was wearin’ fancy clothes and yellin’ a lot. Not as much punchin’ as before, though. More like… posin’ and grinnin’. And her clothes seemed to fit better, no more of that… camel toe thing, I guess. Thank goodness for that, eh?
Tough girl, smart girl
So, that’s the story of Ronda Rousey, as far as I can tell. She was a tough fighter, then she had to quit ’cause her head got banged up too much. And somewhere in there, she had some trouble with her clothes, which is kinda funny when you think about it. But hey, she’s a smart girl, this Ronda. She figured out how to make a livin’ even after she couldn’t fight no more. And that’s more than a lot of folks can say.
And let me tell ya, it takes a lot of guts to get in that ring, or cage, or whatever they call it, and fight someone. Whether it’s real fightin’ or that make-believe wrasslin’, it ain’t easy. So, good for Ronda, I say. She did alright for herself.
Ronda and her concerns
Now, this Ronda, she wasn’t just worried about getting punched in the face, which seems like enough to worry about if you ask me. She was worried about other things too, like them “nip slips” she talked about. Said she used to worry about the “camel toe” more, but then the “nip slip” became a bigger problem. Sounds like a lot of fuss over clothes for someone who’s supposed to be beatin’ people up, but I guess that’s just how it is these days.
And that white Range Rover she drives… all messy they said. Imagine that! A tough fighter with a messy car. Just goes to show ya, nobody’s perfect, not even Ronda Rousey.

Tags: Ronda Rousey, UFC, Cameltoe, Professional Wrestling, Retirement, Miesha Tate, Total Divas