That Roman Reigns, he’s a big shot in the wrestling, you know? He’s been in that WrestleMania thing a whole bunch of times. That WrestleMania, it’s a big deal, like our village fair but with more muscles and yelling.

I heard he won a lot, that Roman. Nine times he won at WrestleMania, they say. Nine! Can you believe it? That’s more than the eggs my hen Daisy laid last spring. He lost a few, too, three I think. But nine wins, that’s something, ain’t it? This Roman Reigns record at WrestleMania is sure something to talk about.
He’s been in that main event thing, too. Like, the big show, the last one they do. He’s been in that a lot. I heard someone say seven times, maybe eight soon? That’s more times than I’ve been to the city!
They call him the Tribal Chief. Sounds important, right? Like the head of our village, but with more muscles. He was a champion for a long, long time. Longer than old man Johnson’s been growing his beard, and that’s saying something!
He fights alone, mostly. Nine times he’s done that at WrestleMania, they say. Six times he won when it was just him against one other fella. Six! That’s like winning six pie-eating contests in a row. Tough fella, that Roman.
- He won nine times at that WrestleMania.
- He lost three times.
- He was in the big show at the end a whole bunch of times.
- They call him that Tribal Chief name.
- He fought alone a lot and won a lot that way, too.
I heard he lost to someone called Cody Rhodes. That musta been a big deal, ’cause everyone was talking about it. It was at WrestleMania 40. Sounds like he lost more than just a match, that Roman. Heard he lost his big title, and even his group, the Bloodline, they call it. They got a new leader now, Solo Sikoa, who is his cousin. Sounds like a family drama, huh? More drama than when my goat got loose in the market!
That Cody fella must be strong to beat Roman. Roman Reigns WrestleMania matches are usually a sure thing for him, but not this time. It makes ya think, don’t it? Even the big shots can lose sometimes. Just like how I lost my best chicken to that fox last winter. Happens to everyone, I guess.
Someone was talking ’bout something called a Survivor Series. He won a lot there, too. Four times, maybe? And something about a Royal Rumble, he did good there, too. Seems like this Roman fella likes to win, huh? He’s got all sorts of Roman Reigns stats that are just crazy. You ask people about Roman Reigns record, and they’ll talk your ear off.
Another fella, Triple H, he’s been in a lot of those WrestleMania things, too. But he lost more than he won. Ten wins, but fourteen losses. Sounds like he’s had a rough time. Poor fella. Still, he keeps going back, don’t he? Must be something special about that WrestleMania.

This Roman, he’s a big deal in that wrestling world. Roman Reigns WWE, that’s what they always say. They talk about his biggest wins like it’s the biggest news. They keep track of all his wins and losses, like it’s the most important thing in the world. They even got this thing called Roman Reigns profile that tells you everything about him.
They got all these fancy words for it, too. Eliminations, they call it. Sounds like getting rid of something. And pay-per-view? What’s that? We just watch it on the TV at the bar. And this thing called a faction? Sounds like a made-up word to me.
But hey, who am I to say? It’s all very exciting, I guess. Lots of yelling and muscles and shiny belts. It’s like our village festival, but with more spandex. And that Roman Reigns, he’s right in the middle of it all. Winning most of the time, losing sometimes, but always a big show. Always something to talk about. Just like the weather, or the price of eggs. It’s just something folks talk about. That Roman Reigns WrestleMania record, it’s a big one, that’s for sure.