Oh boy, you won’t believe the rabbit hole I fell into today. It all started with a simple question: Who is this Raquel Pedraza person? I mean, I’d heard the name before, but only in passing, like a whisper in the wind. So, naturally, I did what any curious person would do – I dove headfirst into the internet.

First things first, I hit up the usual suspect – Wikipedia. Typed in “Raquel Pedraza,” and bam! Turns out, she’s a tennis player, a former one, to be precise. But not just any tennis player, she’s the ex-wife of Taylor Fritz. You know, that American tennis dude who’s been making waves? Yeah, him.
So, I’m reading about Raquel, and it’s all pretty standard stuff. Born on January 28, 1998, in Fountain Valley, California, passionate about tennis since she was a kid, the usual athlete backstory. Then it gets interesting. This girl played in all four Grand Slams! Can you believe it? I mean, that’s huge! And get this, she even did a campaign with Roger Federer. Federer, people! I was pretty impressed, I gotta say.
But then the story takes a bit of a turn. It turns out her and Taylor Fritz, they’re not together anymore. Divorced, apparently. They split up back in December 2019, which was a bummer to read. They have a kid together, a son named Jordan, who was about 2 years old when they separated. From what I could gather, they share custody, which is good. Co-parenting, you know, doing what’s best for the kid. That’s always nice to see.
Now, Raquel, she seems to be living a more private life these days. Understandable, after being in the spotlight with the whole tennis career and the famous ex-husband thing. I tried to dig up some more recent info about her, but there wasn’t much out there. She’s keeping it low-key, focusing on being a mom, I guess. And honestly, good for her.
But this whole thing got me thinking about how quickly things can change. One minute you’re competing in Grand Slams, the next you’re navigating the ups and downs of life after divorce. It’s a wild ride, isn’t it?
Anyway, that was my little internet adventure for the day. Just thought I’d share my findings on the mysterious Raquel Pedraza. It’s a reminder that there’s always more to people than meets the eye, even when it comes to famous athletes and their ex-wives.
- She’s a former tennis player.
- She’s the ex-wife of Taylor Fritz.
- She was born on January 28, 1998.
- She has a son named Jordan.
- She played in all four Grand Slams.
- She did a campaign with Roger Federer.