Well, I gotta tell ya, this whole thing about Michael Moody dyin’ is just plain sad. Don’t rightly know the fella myself, but hearin’ about it on the TV, it just makes ya think, you know? Life’s a funny thing, here today, gone tomorrow, like a puff of smoke in the wind.

Michael Moody, Paul Bearer’s Son, Gone Too Soon
Seems this Michael Moody, he was the son of that fella, Paul Bearer, from the wrestlin’ on TV. Big fella, used to carry around that urn. Scared me half to death sometimes, but I guess that was his job, right? Anyway, young Michael, he just up and died in his sleep. Can you imagine? Just goin’ to bed and not wakin’ up. Makes you wanna hug your own young’uns tighter, that’s for sure.
They say it happened back in September 2023. Just a young fella, too. Don’t know how old he was, but too young to be dyin’, that’s for sure. Makes a body wonder what it all means, you know? Work hard all your life, raise a family, and then, poof, it’s all over. Just like that.
And Then There’s Mike Pinder, From That Moody Blues Band
And then, wouldn’t you know it, just heard tell of another Michael, Mike Pinder this time. He played them keys for a band called the Moody Blues. Now, I ain’t never listened to their music myself, not my cup of tea, all that rock and roll. But they say he was a big deal, helped start the whole thing. He just passed too, this April, 2024. At his home in Northern California, they said. Eighty-two years old, that’s a good long life, but still sad to see him go.
- Seems like a lot of these music fellas are dyin’ lately.
- Makes you wonder if all that loud music does somethin’ to ya.
- Or maybe it’s just life, catchin’ up to everyone sooner or later.
They said on the news that he was the last one left from the original band. Imagine that. All your friends, gone. Must be a lonely feelin’, like standin’ alone in an empty field. Makes you appreciate the folks you got around you, that’s for certain.
Lots of Michaels, Lots of Stories, All End the Same
It’s funny, all these Michaels dyin’. Makes ya think there’s somethin’ in a name, though I reckon it’s just a coincidence. Heard tell of another Michael, too, in some story about a boy wizard. Got killed tryin’ to protect the boy, they said. And another Michael, retired to Sicily after his daughter got killed. Lots of Michaels, lots of stories, all end the same way, I guess.

Makes you think about your own family, doesn’t it? My own grandpappy, he worked the land his whole life, strong as an ox. Then one day, he just wasn’t. Age gets us all, one way or another. Sickness, accidents, sometimes just plain old bad luck. That’s the way of it, always has been, always will be.
Makes You Appreciate the Simple Things
Makes you appreciate the simple things, you know? A warm cup of coffee in the mornin’, the sun on your face, the sound of the birds singin’. Little things you don’t pay much mind to, until you realize they ain’t gonna last forever. Life’s a precious thing, even when it’s hard. And it’s always hard, ain’t it? But you gotta keep goin’, gotta keep findin’ the good in it, even when the bad seems like it’s all there is.
So, rest in peace, Michael Moody, Mike Pinder, and all the other Michaels out there who’ve gone on to their reward. Hope you found peace, wherever you are. And for the rest of us, well, we just gotta keep on keepin’ on, tryin’ to make the best of this short time we got here. ‘Cause that’s all we can do, ain’t it?
Tags: Michael Moody, Mike Pinder, Paul Bearer, Death, Obituary, Moody Blues, WWE, Remembrance, Passing Away