Okay, so I was messing around with the New York Times crossword the other day, and I hit a clue that totally stumped me: “Mets catcher Nido”. I’m a casual baseball fan, I know the big names, but Nido? No clue.

First thing I did was stare at the puzzle, hoping the answer would magically appear. Nope. Didn’t happen.
So, I grabbed my phone and did a quick search. Typed in “Mets catcher Nido” and boom, there it was: Tomás Nido. Turns out he’s a catcher for the New York Mets. Who knew?
- I felt a little dumb for not knowing, but hey, that’s what crosswords are for, right? Learning new things.
I plugged the name into the crossword, and sure enough, it fit perfectly.
What I Learned
I added Tomás Nido to my mental list of baseball players. You never know when that kind of trivia might come in handy, especially with these tricky crossword puzzles!