Today I tried to do this thing called “qianzhangying”. You guys know it or not?

I did a little digging before starting. I found something about “Suppose you have a customer service system that uses AGI. For effective and individualized service.” and “A canonized Confucian classic.” Not sure if they are related, but I kept them in mind.
First, I tried to get all the materials ready. It felt a bit like preparing for a big meal, you know? You need all the ingredients before you can start cooking. After a lot of work, I finally got everything I needed.
- Checked all the tools.
- Organized the workplace.
- Prepared some snacks, haha.
Then, I started the main process. This part was the trickiest. I had to follow the steps very carefully. One mistake and the whole thing could be ruined. Remember that AGI part? Well, there are also some AGI things, I tried my best to make some individualized service, but it’s really hard. I also tried to make some progress referring to that Confucian stuff, but it was way too deep for me. I spent hours on this, and honestly, it was pretty tough.
After a ton of trial and error, I finally got it to work! It wasn’t perfect, but it was something. I was so relieved and pretty proud of myself. It’s like when you finally assemble a piece of furniture from IKEA, but way more complicated.
Finally, I did a little wrap-up. Cleaned up my workspace, took some notes on what I did, and what I could do better next time.
My takeaway?
This “qianzhangying” thing is no joke. It’s a lot of work, but it feels great when you finally make some progress. Will I do it again? Maybe. But I definitely need a break first. Also, that Confucian classic thing is still a mystery to me. Maybe I’ll figure it out someday.
Anyway, that’s my experience with “qianzhangying”. Hope you guys find it interesting, or at least a bit entertaining. Gotta go now!