This here crossword, it sure is a head-scratcher. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be. I been squinting at these little boxes all day. This “put forth” thing, what’s that all about?

What’s this “Put Forth” Thing?
I reckon it means to say something, right? Like when you put forth an idea. Or maybe it’s like when you put something out there, like putting out the trash. This crossword got me all confused. I think that “put forth” thing showed up on August 26th or something.
- Suggest something, maybe?
- Offer?
- Propose? Could be.
I saw it in the paper, I did. One of them big-shot papers, the NYT, I think it was. October 16, that sounds right. Or maybe it was October 14? These dates, they all run together when you get to my age. Then there was that other one, the Universal Crossword, or whatever they call it. That “put forth” clue was in there too. My head is just spinning with it!
Trying to Figure It Out
Now, let’s see. Five letters, they say. Five letters for this put forth business. Could it be “state”? Nah, that don’t sound right. “Offer”? Maybe. I remember seeing something about November 18, 2024. Maybe that’s when they gonna tell us the answer? That’s a long way off. These puzzles, they sure like to make you wait.
They say there’s like 30 or 40 answers to this thing. 40! Can you believe that? And I’m just sitting here trying to find one. I did see one that had 8 letters. But that ain’t what they were looking for this time, I reckon. It must be just one answer to this “put forth” thing in the crossword.
I used to be good at these crosswords, back in the day. Now, my brain’s all full of cobwebs. And these young folks, they just whip right through them. They got all these fancy computers and whatnot. I swear, they just tap, tap, tap, and they got the answer. Me, I gotta sit here and think and think.
Getting All Worked Up
It’s like when you’re trying to remember where you put your glasses. You know they’re somewhere, but you just can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s frustrating, I tell ya. This whole “put forth crossword” thing has got me all worked up. Like a hen in a foxhouse, that’s me.
- It’s not “state”.
- Maybe “offer” is a good word.
- Could it be something else entirely?
Sometimes, you just gotta walk away from it for a bit. Let your mind rest. Go feed the chickens, or sweep the porch, or something. Then, maybe, just maybe, the answer will come to you. Like a bolt from the blue, as they say. This crossword got me thinking too hard. I need a break.
Giving it Another Go
Alright, let’s give it another go. Put forth. Five letters. What could it be? I wish that I could have that answer. But I can’t find it anywhere. I found that there are 40 answers to this. But I don’t know which one is right.

Maybe if I just stare at it long enough, it’ll magically appear. Like one of them magic eye pictures. You remember those? You stare and stare, and then suddenly, you see a sailboat or a dinosaur or something. I never could see them things, though. Just gave me a headache.
- Could be “posit”.
- Could be “exert”.
- Could be “raise”.
This “put forth crossword” thing is about to give me a headache. There were some hints and stuff, but I can’t make heads or tails of them. Maybe I should just give up. Go bake a pie or something. A nice apple pie, with a flaky crust. That’s what I need. Not this confounded puzzle. But then I think I can’t just give up on this! So maybe I’ll just try one more time. I hope that I can solve it!