Alright, alright, let’s gab a bit about this here “legend stances” in that MLB The Show 23 game. My young’uns, they play it all the time, and I watch ’em, so I kinda picked up a thing or two, you know?

First off, what in tarnation are these “legend stances” anyhow? Well, from what I gather, it’s all about how them fellers stand at the plate when they’re hittin’. See, back in the day, all them fellers had their own special way of standin’, their own wiggle and waggle before they swung that bat. Kinda like how old Bessie swings her tail afore she kicks a fly, you know? Unique, real unique.
Now, in this here game, they got all them old-timey players, the legends, and they tried to make ’em stand just like they did back when they was playin’. That’s what they call the “legend stances.” It ain’t just standin’ still neither. It’s how they hold the bat, how they move their feet, everything. It’s supposed to make the game more, whatchamacallit, “authentic.” Yeah, that’s the word them city folks use.
- Why folks care about these stances? Well, some say it helps ’em hit better. They figure if they stand like Mickey Mantle, maybe they’ll hit like him too. Don’t know if there’s any truth to that, but folks believe what they wanna believe, I reckon.
- How to get these stances? Now, that’s where it gets tricky. From what I hear, you gotta unlock these players, these legends. And that takes time, or money, or both. The game ain’t free, ya know? Nothin’ in life is, ‘cept maybe air and sunshine, and even that ain’t guaranteed sometimes.
I seen my grandson get all worked up tryin’ to get some feller named, uh, Babe Ruth, I think it was. Big feller, hit a lotta home runs, they say. Took him forever, grindin’ and grindin’, playin’ games day and night. Finally got him, though, and he was happier than a pig in mud. Started usin’ that Babe Ruth stance, and I gotta say, he did seem to hit a bit better. But maybe it was just in his head, ya know?
Then there’s this other thing, about changin’ positions. Like, say your feller’s a shortstop, but you want him to be a catcher. Well, apparently, you gotta talk to your “agent” in the game. Don’t ask me what an agent is, some kinda city slicker, I guess. Anyways, if your feller’s good enough, they might let him change positions. It’s all tied to that “OVR” thing, whatever that means. Overall somethin’ or other, I reckon.
And then there’s this “player lock” thing. That means you only play as one feller the whole game. You see what he sees, you hit when he hits, you catch when he catches. Kinda like bein’ in his shoes, I guess. My grandson likes to do that sometimes, especially when he’s got a feller with a fancy stance he likes. He says it makes him feel more “immersed” in the game. Again with them fancy words!
Now, I heard some folks complainin’ that some of these stances ain’t right. Like, they gave some feller a stance, then when you unlock his special stance, it ain’t the same. They changed it or somethin’. Folks get real worked up about these things, lemme tell ya. It’s just a game, I say, but to them, it’s serious business.
So, there ya have it. That’s what I know about them “legend stances” in MLB The Show 23. It’s all about how them fellers stand, how they swing, and how you can make your fellers play just like them old-timey legends. Or at least try to, anyhow. Whether it makes you hit better, I don’t know, but it sure does make the game more fun to watch, especially when them young’uns get all excited about it. It’s like watching a bunch of young roosters strutting around the henhouse, all puffed up and proud. And that, well, that’s just plain entertainin’, no matter how ya slice it.
Tags: MLB The Show 23, Legend Stances, Hitting, Gameplay, Player Lock, Baseball, Sports Games, Authenticity.