I got up this morning and made some coffee, just like any other day. I flipped on the TV while eating my breakfast, nothing special. But then, I remembered the Alabama game was on last night. I’m a huge fan, but I fell asleep before it ended. Damn!

So, I grabbed my phone and started searching for who won. Typed in “alabama game who won” into the search bar. It took a few tries to get it right, my phone kept autocorrecting “Alabama” to “Alabaster” or something weird like that.
- Tried “alabama game result” – no luck.
- Tried “who won alabama” – still nothing useful.
- Finally, “alabama game who won” worked!
The results were kinda mixed. I saw a headline saying something like “Alabama escaped with a win.” That sounded promising. Then another one mentioned a missed call by the officials. It’s always something, right?
I dug a little deeper, and found out Alabama won 26-20 against Texas AM. Whew, close one! Apparently, there was some drama with a missed call and a player even apologizing to the fans afterward. I watched some videos of the game highlights. They are pretty intense.
Man, I really need to stay up for the whole game next time. But hey, at least I figured out who won and got to see some of the action, even if it was a bit of a wild ride to get there. Go Bama!