This here talk is about that Merab Aljamain Al Iaquinta thing, you know, them fighter fellas. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I seen some things on that flickering picture box, the TV, and heard some things, too. Seems like these fellas is always beatin’ on each other. Tough business, that is.

This Merab fella, they call him “The Machine.” Sounds like somethin’ outta one of them fancy movies. He must be a tough one, though. I reckon you gotta be tough to get in that cage and fight. Like a rooster in a cockfight, but with people. Not sure I understand it, but folks seem to like watchin’ it.
Then there’s this Aljamain. I heard tell he was a champion or somethin’. Like bein’ the top dog. He musta been real good to get that title. Bet he had to work hard, harder than me shuckin’ corn, that’s for sure. And I heard he fought some other fellas that used to be champions, too. Sounds like a real tangle, doesn’t it?
- This Aljamain, he got that gold in 2022, whatever that means.
- He fought them other champion fellas, kept his title, so they say.
- Tough as nails, I bet.
Then there’s another one, Al Iaquinta. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? I don’t know much about him, ‘cept he’s in that fightin’ business too. They all seem to start young, these fighters. Like that young bull we had, always chargin’ at everythin’. Full of vinegar, these young’uns. He’s also friends with Aljamain. He help him training and stuff like that.
This Al Iaquinta, he was in some kinda quarter-finals or something. Like a tournament, maybe? And he fought someone on his own team, I heard. Sounds kinda strange, fightin’ your own friend. Like two dogs in the same yard, I reckon. Maybe they was just playin’ but it sounds rough to me.
They all got these coaches, too. Like that Ray Longo fella, I hear he’s with that Aljamain. And some other fellas, Matt Serra and Chris Weidman. More names than I can keep track of. They all seem to know each other, though. Like a little club, ain’t it? They are all fighters, got into this business when they are young, like 24 or 25. My grandson is 26 now, not into this kind of stuff.
Merab, that “Machine” one, he did some other kind of fightin’, too. Somethin’ called “grappling.” Sounds like what my old knees do when I try to get up in the mornin’. He lost that one, though. Can’t win ’em all, I guess. Even the best horse loses a race sometimes. He fight this Kevin Dantzler fella. Never heard of him before.
It’s a rough world, this fightin’ business. Not like the old days, when a good day’s work was all you needed. But these fellas, Merab, Aljamain, Al Iaquinta, they seem to make a livin’ at it. More power to ’em, I suppose. Just hope they don’t get too banged up. It is a hard life, ain’t it?
I don’t know much about all these rules and such, but it seems like a lot of fuss over a fight. Back in my day, if you had a problem, you settled it with a handshake or a good talkin’ to. But times change, I reckon. Just like the weather. Gotta roll with the punches, as they say. Or maybe in this case, roll with the grapples.

Well, that’s all I got to say about that Merab Aljamain Al Iaquinta business. It is all too complicated for me. It’s a young man’s game, that’s for sure. I’ll stick to my garden and my chickens. They’re a lot less trouble, and you get eggs out of it, too. Can’t say the same for these fightin’ fellas, can you? No, sir.
They are like the young folks today, always on the go, always lookin’ for somethin’ new. Me, I’m happy with the simple things. A good cup of coffee, a warm fire, and a little peace and quiet. That’s all I need. Hope these young fellas find what they’re lookin’ for, though. Even if it is in that crazy fightin’ world. It is their life, let them do what they want.