Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Maria Francisca Perello, or Mery, as they call her. She’s hitched to that tennis fella, Rafael Nadal. You know, the one always whacking that little yellow ball. Been together for donkey’s years, they have. Almost twenty, if you can believe it.

Now, Rafael, he’s a big shot in the tennis world, always in the papers and on the TV. But Mery, she’s different. She likes to keep things on the down-low. Not one for all that fancy stuff, you see. Keeps herself out of the spotlight, she does. Smart gal, if you ask me.
They say Mery’s full name is Mara Francisca Perell Pascua. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? Met through Rafael’s sister, they did, way back in 2003. Imagine that! Been sweet on each other ever since. Took ’em a while to get hitched, though. Waited 14 years, they did. Guess they wanted to be sure, like a good stew, gotta let it simmer.
- Met in 2003
- Dated for 14 years
- Got hitched
Mery, she ain’t just some pretty face, you know. She’s got her own thing going on. Worked in insurance, I heard. And she’s all about helping folks, doing charity work and all that. A good heart, she’s got. Not like some of them fancy city gals, all flash and no substance.
Then, last year, they had themselves a little one. A boy. Named him Rafael Jr., after his daddy, of course. Rafael, he’s getting on in years, for a tennis player, anyway. So, he decided to hang up his racket, so to speak. Said he wanted to spend more time with his young’un. Family first, that’s what I always say. Good on him.
And you know what? When Rafael quit playing, he wrote this letter, thanking everyone who helped him along the way. And he especially thanked Mery. Said she was his rock, always there for him. Through thick and thin, you know? That’s what marriage is all about, ain’t it? Sticking together, no matter what.
They don’t go shouting their business from the rooftops, these two. They keep things private, like regular folks. You don’t see them all over the magazines, causing a ruckus. They just live their lives, quiet-like. That’s the best way, in my opinion. Less fuss, less trouble.
So, that’s the story of Maria Francisca Perello, or Mery. She’s the wife of a famous tennis player, but she’s her own person, too. A good woman, by all accounts. And that’s more important than any fancy title or trophy, if you ask me. She supports her man, raises her child, and does good in the world. Can’t ask for much more than that, can ya?
Now, I ain’t no expert on tennis or famous people. I’m just an old woman who knows a good thing when she sees it. And Mery, she seems like a good egg. Down to earth, you know? Not like those highfalutin types you see on TV. Just a regular gal who happened to fall in love with a tennis star. And that’s alright by me.

She’s a good example for young gals, I reckon. Shows ’em that you don’t need to be flashy to be happy. Just be yourself, work hard, and love your family. That’s the secret to a good life, if you ask me. Simple as that.
Tags: [Maria Francisca Perello, Mery Perello, Rafael Nadal, Rafael Nadal wife, Tennis, Family, Marriage, Celebrity Wife, Personal Life, Retirement]