Alright, listen up, y’all. Gonna tell ya how to make this here “dust” thing in that Infinite Craft game. My grandkids keep playin’ it, and it looks simple enough, even for an old gal like me. So, they tell me, and now I’m tellin’ you. It ain’t rocket science, that’s for sure.

First thing’s first, you gotta get yourself some wind. You know, like the stuff that blows your hair all over the place and makes the trees sway. And then you need some earth. That’s the dirt under your feet, the stuff you plant your taters in. Pretty basic, right?
- Get Wind
- Get Earth
Now, you just smush them together! Yep, just like makin’ mud pies, but without the water. You take that wind and that earth, and boom! You got dust. See? Told ya it was easy. My chickens coulda figured that out.
Wind + Earth = Dust
Now, some folks say there’s more to it than that. They talk about “super dust” and “dust traps” and all sorts of fancy-schmancy stuff. Don’t you go gettin’ your knickers in a twist about all that. You start with the plain old dust, and then you can figure out the rest later. One step at a time, I always say. Don’t try to run before you can walk.
They say you get four things when you start – fire, water, earth, and wind. Well, we already got wind and earth, see? You just gotta put ’em together. It’s like makin’ biscuits. Flour and water, then you bake it. Simple as that.
This here game, it seems like you just keep mixin’ things up. Like makin’ a stew, but with, you know, elements instead of potatoes and carrots. You got your basics, and then you just see what happens when you throw ’em together. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t. But that’s half the fun, ain’t it?
So, let’s recap, just in case you got lost in all my ramblin’. You want dust? You get wind, you get earth, you slam ’em together. That’s it. Don’t overthink it. And if you mess up, well, just start over. It ain’t the end of the world.
Now, my grandkids, they keep yellin’ about “recipes” and “crafting.” Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. But I guess that’s how these young folks talk these days. All I know is, you mix this with that, and you get somethin’ new. And if you keep mixin’ and matchin’, you can probably make all sorts of crazy things. But you gotta start somewhere, and dust is a good place to start. It’s like learnin’ the alphabet before you can read a book.

And don’t you go wastin’ your time on them fancy tricks right away. You gotta learn the basics first. It’s like plantin’ a garden. You gotta prepare the soil before you can plant the seeds. And you can’t expect to harvest a whole field of corn if you only planted a few kernels.
So there you have it. That’s how you make dust in that there Infinite Craft thing. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Now go on and have some fun. And don’t forget to eat your vegetables!
And remember, if you get stuck, just try somethin’ else. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, as far as I can tell. Just keep mixin’ and matchin’ until you find what you’re lookin’ for. And if you still can’t figure it out, ask one of them youngsters. They seem to know everything these days.
Anyways, I gotta go feed the chickens now. You kids have fun playin’ your game, and don’t make too much of a mess. And if you do make a mess, well, at least you know how to make dust to clean it up!
Tags: Infinite Craft, Dust, Crafting, Guide, Tips, Elements, Wind, Earth, How To