Ah, the Lesser Dragon, huh? Well, let me tell ya, it ain’t your regular ol’ dragon, that’s for sure. This one’s a bit smaller, but don’t you go thinkin’ it’s weak just ’cause it’s called “lesser.” These critters are tough little buggers and can give you a real hard time if you ain’t careful. Now, I ain’t no expert in these things, but I’ve seen enough to know where to find ‘em and what they do. So, let me share a few things with ya about these dragons in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

First off, you’ll want to head south of that Checkpoint Rest Town. You know the one, it’s near a nice little waterfall. Yeah, you might see some of these drakes or lesser dragons hangin’ around there. They ain’t too easy to spot at first, so you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled. You’ll find ‘em just to the east of the Tomb of Renu’Lebarr. It’s a bit of a trek, but worth it if you’re lookin’ for a fight.
Now, don’t go gettin’ all cocky when you see ‘em. These dragons, while they ain’t as big as the big ol’ ones, can still pack a punch. When you find ’em, you might have to do a bit of work to take ’em down. Sometimes they’re in a stream of water or hiding by some rocks, so make sure you don’t miss ‘em. You see, they don’t drop much either, just about 5-15 WLC, so don’t go wastin’ all your time lookin’ for a pile o’ treasure. But, that ain’t to say they ain’t worth it. Defeat one, and you’ll feel mighty proud, I tell ya.
But, don’t go thinkin’ you can keep killin’ these dragons over and over. Nah, once you take ‘em out, it ain’t like they’re gonna pop back up any time soon. If you’re in postgame, forget about it. Restin’ at the inns or doin’ other stuff in the game moves the timer forward. So, if you’re hopin’ to respawn ‘em quick, that ain’t gonna happen.
Where exactly can you find these Lesser Dragons?
- South of the Checkpoint Rest Town near a waterfall, east of the Tomb of Renu’Lebarr.
- There’s a few other places too, but these ones seem to be the most common. You’ll have to wander around a bit and look for ’em in streams or near rocks, where they like to hide.
Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to see a dragon, even if it’s a smaller one like this. But you gotta be careful, ’cause these critters can sure take ya by surprise. One minute you think you’re safe, and the next thing you know, you’re dodgin’ flames and claws. Ain’t no time to be slow or lazy when you’re up against one of these. They might not drop fancy loot, but that don’t mean you won’t get a good challenge out of ’em.
What’s the best way to beat ‘em? Well, that’s a whole other story. You need to be quick on your feet, keep an eye on their movements, and make sure you know when to strike and when to back off. These dragons got a nasty bite, and you don’t want to find out the hard way that they can still hurt you just as bad as their bigger cousins.
And, like I said before, these little dragons ain’t too keen on respawnin’. So if you’re hopin’ for a second round right after you win, you’ll be outta luck. Just gotta be patient and wait for the right time to go after ‘em again. That’s the way it is with these Lesser Dragons—ain’t no rush, just a good fight when the time comes.
So, if you’re out wanderin’ and find one of these Lesser Dragons, don’t be too scared. Sure, they can pack a punch, but with a little patience and know-how, you’ll send ‘em packin’ back to whatever hole they crawled out of. And who knows, you might even get lucky and find something useful along the way. But remember, ain’t no need to get greedy. Sometimes a good fight is reward enough, especially when you’re dealin’ with a dragon, big or small.

Tags:[Lesser Dragon, Dragon’s Dogma 2, Lesser Dragon Locations, Drakes, Boss Monster, Dragon’s Dogma Tips, Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guide, Dragon Fights]