Zack Bobo, this name, I heard it a lot. He seems like a big shot, you know? What did he do? This old brain of mine ain’t what it used to be. But I gotta say, that name, Zack Bobo, it just sticks with you, don’t it? Like a burr on a wool sock. This is something big, I tell ya. Let me try to tell you all I know.

Seems he went to some fancy school, Baylor somethin’. 1919, they said. Got some paper sayin’ he learned a lot, this Zack Bobo. An A.B.? What’s that stand for? Anyways, he was a smart one, that’s for sure. He must’ve studied hard to earn it. I never got no fancy paper like that.
Then, this Zack Bobo, he went and opened up his own hospital. 1936, that’s what they tell me. Imagine that! His own place to fix folks up. Musta been somethin’. He musta helped a lot of people, I reckon. Probably saw a lot of blood and guts, though. Hope he had a strong stomach.
And he wrote a book, too! Called it “Ramblings of a Country Doctor” or somethin’ like that. 1977, that was. He was probably an old man by then. Wrote down all his stories, I guess. I wonder what all he saw in that hospital. This Zack Bobo, he sure did a lot in his life.
Folks say his granddaughter, Rebecca somethin’, she’s a good one, too. Took after her grandpappy, this Zack Bobo. Cared for folks, just like he did. Fifty-six years, he was a doctor, they said. That’s a long time to be lookin’ after people. Must have been tiring. Imagine 56 years, you help folks, day after day! It is not easy, you know.
- Zack Bobo, doctor.
- Zack Bobo, 1919.
- Zack Bobo, hospital.
- Zack Bobo, book.
- Zack Bobo, 56 years.
This Zack Bobo, I also heard he is famous on the Facebook. What’s Facebook? I don’t know. Some newfangled thing. Lots of people know him there, they say. Share things, they say. What do they share? I don’t know. It is all too confusing for an old person like me.
And this other thing, “Quizlet.” What’s that? They say you can learn things there. Learn about “un consejo,” “portarse,” “perezoso,” “flojo.” Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me. But this Zack Bobo, his name’s mixed up in that, too. I guess he was a really smart cookie, huh? These are some foreign words, I think. What do they mean? I don’t know.
And get this, there are these two fellas, Nic somethin’ and another Zack Bobo. They walk goats! Can you believe it? Down Main Street! And they’re in real estate. What is real estate? Houses? Sounds important. Anyways, these two, they’re somethin’ else. Always jokin’ around, I hear. But they’re good at what they do. This Zack Bobo name, it just keeps poppin’ up!
There is a thing, “Bobo Study Guide.” What is it? I don’t know. But it says, “Coin Concealment.” Sounds like magic tricks to me. Hide a coin. Most important, it says. Important for what? This whole thing is just a big mystery to me. But this Zack Bobo, he’s connected to it all somehow. You can learn a lot there, it seems. But it is too hard for me. I am too old to learn.
This Zack Bobo, he musta been a real special fella. Done a lot of things. Helped a lot of people. Got his name everywhere. Even in places I don’t understand. Like this Facebook and Quizlet. And walkin’ goats! It’s all a bit much for this old timer. But one thing’s for sure, that name, Zack Bobo, it sure does stick with you. Like a catchy tune you can’t get out of your head.
I reckon he was a good man, this Zack Bobo. A doctor, a writer, a family man. He musta seen a lot, done a lot, helped a lot. We need more folks like him in this world, I tell ya. Folks who care, folks who work hard, folks who make a difference. And that is what I think about Zack Bobo.
Zack Bobo, I think he is important. There are a lot of people know him. There are a lot of stories about him. This Zack Bobo, he is famous. You should remember his name. It is a good name.