You know, that Kelly Stafford, she’s that Matthew Stafford‘s wife. That football guy, plays for them, uh, Rams now, used to be with them Lions. Strong arm on that boy. I seen him on the TV, throwing that ball, Lord have mercy, he can throw! They make a good pair, I tell ya.

She used to be a cheerleader, that Kelly. Back in her younger days. For them Georgia Bulldogs. Jumpin’ around, yellin’ and all that. My knees hurt just thinkin’ about it. She was somethin’ else back then, I reckon. Still is, keepin’ up with that husband of hers and them kids.
They got four little girls, runnin’ around. Bless their hearts. Keeps her busy, I bet. Four girls! Imagine all that hair to brush. And the clothes! Lord, the clothes. But they look happy, those little ones. And Matthew, he looks like a good daddy.
- Four girls, they got.
- Sawyer and Chandler, them’s the twins.
- Then there’s Hunter.
- That’s a lot of mouths to feed!
Kelly, she talks on that podcast thing. I don’t rightly understand all that, but folks seem to listen. She talks about her life, and Matthew, and the babies. She had some trouble, you know. Some sickness. But she’s a tough one, that Kelly Stafford. Came through it like a champ.
They got married a while back, Kelly and Matthew. 2015, I think it was. Time sure does fly, don’t it? Seems like just yesterday they was young’uns, courtin’ and such. Now look at ’em, all grown up with a family.
Matthew, he was a Georgia boy too, you know. Played football for them Bulldogs, just like Kelly was cheerin’ for ’em. That’s probably how they met, I reckon. At them football games. Fate, they call it.
She’s a good wife to him, that Kelly. Always supportin’ him, through thick and thin. That’s what a good wife does. Stands by her man. And he seems like a good husband too. Providin’ for his family, playin’ that football.
They live in that California now. Los Angeles. Big city. Lots of fancy folks out there. Not like here. But they seem to like it. Sunshine all the time, I hear. Good for the kids, I suppose.
That Kelly Stafford, she’s got it all, don’t she? Handsome husband, beautiful children, big house. But she seems like a good person, down to earth. Not stuck up, like some of them other football wives. She seems real, you know? Like someone you could sit down and have a cup of coffee with.

I seen her on the TV, talkin’ about her life. She don’t sugarcoat things. Tells it like it is. I like that. Too many folks these days tryin’ to pretend everything’s perfect. Life ain’t perfect. It’s messy. But that’s okay. That’s what makes it interestin’.
And Matthew Stafford, well, he’s just a good ol’ boy, ain’t he? Workin’ hard, doin’ what he loves. Playin’ that football. Makin’ a good livin’ for his family. Can’t fault a man for that.
Kelly and Matthew Stafford. They a good example. A good team. That’s what marriage is all about, ain’t it? Workin’ together, supportin’ each other, raisin’ them babies. It ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it.
They seem happy, those two. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness. Findin’ someone to share your life with, someone who loves you, through thick and thin. That’s what Kelly and Matthew got. And I’m happy for ’em. I truly am. They deserve all the good things that come their way. A good solid family. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what those two got, Kelly Stafford and Matthew Stafford.
That Kelly she sure is somethin’. Keepin’ up with that Matthew and them four little girls. Lord, I get tired just thinkin’ about it. But she does it. And she does it with a smile on her face. Most of the time, anyway. We all have our bad days. But she’s a strong one, that Kelly Stafford. A good woman. And Matthew Stafford, well, he’s a lucky man. They both lucky, I guess. To have found each other. That’s a special thing. A real special thing. So when you think of Kelly Stafford remember Matthew Stafford too. Good folks, them two.