That Julian Love, he plays ball, you know? He’s with the Seattle, uh, Seahawks, I think they call ’em. And that wife of Julian Love, her name is Julia Love, sounds like a movie, right? They been hitched since, oh, I reckon it was 2022. Seems like yesterday, time sure does fly when you get older.

They been sweet on each other since they was just kids, back in, let me see, 2014 or thereabouts. Ten years now, or close to it. That is some long time, ain’t it? This Julia Love, she wrote something real nice on her picture-gram thing when they had been together for six whole years. Good for them, young love and all that.
This Julia Love, she’s somethin’ else. She’s one of them smart ones, makin’ her own stuff for your skin, all natural, like from a garden. Good for her, makin’ a life for herself. Not just sittin’ around. She has a baby, a boy. His name is Noah.
Now, this Julian, he’s got family, too. His mama and daddy, they raised three young’uns. I heard they was all good at sports, runnin’ and jumpin’ and all that. His sister, the oldest one, her name is Devinne. His mama, her name is Ivonne. His daddy name is Detraiter.
- Julian Love born in March, I think it was the 19th, in 1998.
- He plays that football.
- He plays for Seattle.
Heard some folks talkin’, sayin’ there’s another fella named Love playin’ ball, too. Jordan Love, I think. Plays for the Packers, not the same team as our Julian. They ain’t brothers, though. This Jordan, he’s different, comes from a whole other place, went to a different school, all that. So, don’t get ’em mixed up. They just share the last name, is all. Julian Love wife is Julia Love. They have a son. His name is Noah.
This Julian, he seems like a good boy. He’s been good to Julia Love, his wife, since they was just knee-high to a grasshopper. And now they got a little one, a baby boy. That is some sweet, you know? A little family.
Christmas came early for them, I heard. The baby and all. And Julian, he’s gotta go play ball down in, uh, Tennessee, I think it was. Busy times for them young’uns. But that is Julian Love wife story. She is good.
This Julia Love, she is not just a pretty face. She is smart. She works. She makes things. Good for her. Not every gal can do that. And she found herself a good man, too. This Julian, he seems alright. He plays that football good. Heard he got some big award thing, too. Pro Bowl, they called it? Sounds fancy. Must be doin’ somethin’ right, that boy.
And they say a good woman is behind every good man. Well, this Julia Love, she must be one of them good ones. Ten years is a long time to be with somebody. Must be love, right? She is Julian Love wife. Real love, like in them old movies.

They got that little baby now, too. Noah. That is just the sweetest thing. A little family, all startin’ out. Makes you feel all warm inside, don’t it? Hope they stay happy, those two. They deserve it. This Julian Love wife, Julia Love, she got a good life now.
- Julian Love wife name is Julia.
- Julia and Julian, they been together a long time.
- They got a baby now.
- Julian, he plays football for Seattle.
This world needs more good folks like them. Hard workin’, lovin’ each other, raisin’ a family. That is the good stuff. That is what life is all about, ain’t it? Julian Love wife is a good woman. Julian is a good man. They have a baby. They are happy.