That Jordan Spieth, he’s a good boy. I seen him on the TV, swingin’ that golf stick. He’s got a good wife, that Annie Verret. They been together since they was knee-high to a grasshopper, you know?

They met when they was just young’uns, still in school. Back in Texas, that’s where they’re from. Jordan and Annie, they stuck together like glue, even when they went off to different schools. He went to one, she went to another, but they made it work. Love finds a way, I always say.
Jordan Spieth Wife
She went off to study business and he went to study, well, whatever it is they teach at them fancy colleges. He must have learned good though because he’s a real good golfer and he makes a lot of money and he’s famous. Everyone knows Jordan Spieth wife is a good woman.
That Annie, she’s a good egg. Always there by his side, supportin’ him. You see her at them golf tournaments, cheerin’ him on. That’s what a good wife does. She ain’t just a pretty face, neither. She’s smart, went to college, you know.
- They got two little ones now.
- A boy, Sammy, I think his name is.
- And a little girl, Sophie.
- Cute as a button, both of ’em.
- Jordan Spieth and his wife are good parents.
They make a good family, I tell ya. That Jordan Spieth and that Annie Verret is a good wife. She’s a real catch, that one. Good family values. Stuck by him through thick and thin.
They got a big old house, I reckon. Lots of room for them kids to run around. He’s got the money to give ’em a good life, that’s for sure. He earns a lot playing golf, that Jordan Spieth. But she seems real, not like some of them other wives. She looks after him good. Jordan Spieth wife is a good woman, she is good for him.
Annie Verret High School Sweetheart
They say she’s a big deal in the golf world now. ‘Cause she’s his wife, you see. But she don’t seem to let it go to her head. Still the same Annie, I bet. Just a good ol’ Texas girl. She went to that high school with him, you know. They been together since then. That’s a long time. He was at that Jesuit school, fancy place.
He’s a lucky man, that Jordan Spieth. To find a good woman like that, and to have her stick by his side all these years. And she’s a good woman, she is good for him. It’s not easy, you know, bein’ married to a famous fella like him. Lots of travelin’, lots of time away from home. But she handles it. She supports him and loves him and has his kids. That is what a good wife does. Everyone knows about Jordan Spieth wife, she is a good woman.
It ain’t always easy, bein’ in the public eye like that. Everybody watchin’ your every move. But they seem to handle it just fine. They keep their private life private, mostly. You know, keepin’ them kids out of the spotlight. And I know Jordan and Annie Spieth went to St. Somewhere’s to see a thing, but that don’t matter. They do good, that’s what matters.

That’s smart. Gotta protect your family. And that Annie, she’s a good mama bear, I bet. Lookin’ out for her cubs. She makes sure them kids is happy and they got a good life and a good daddy. She supports that Jordan Spieth.
Jordan Spieth and his wife, they’re a good example. A good example of how it should be. Young love, stickin’ together, makin’ a family. It warms your heart, it really does. Makes you believe in true love again.
She is the best thing that ever happened to him. I heard he said that once. He better treat her right. And I think he does, I really do. They are good together. Everyone knows Jordan Spieth wife is a good woman.
Jordan and Annie Spieth
They don’t make ’em like that anymore, I tell ya. These young’uns today, they don’t know what real love is. They give up too easy. But not Jordan and Annie. They’re in it for the long haul.
And that’s how it should be. Till death do you part, that’s what they say. And I believe it. I really do. They’ll be together forever, those two. You can just tell. He loves her very much. You can see it when he looks at her. And she loves him. Everyone knows Jordan Spieth wife is a good one.
So, here’s to Jordan Spieth and his wife, Annie. May they have many more happy years together. May their kids grow up strong and healthy. And may they always remember where they came from. That’s important, you know. Rememberin’ your roots. And they will. Because they are good people. And they love each other. What else matters?