Alright, so you wanna know about this John Daly and his wives, huh? Let me tell ya, that man’s been around the block a few times, if you catch my drift. Sounds like he’s had more wives than I got chickens, and that’s sayin’ somethin’!

First off, this fella, John Daly, he’s a golfer, you know, one of them fellas that hits a little ball with a stick. Seems like he’s good at hittin’ that ball, but maybe not so good at keepin’ a wife. They say he’s been married a whole bunch of times, four times to be exact. Lordy, four times! Makes my head spin just thinkin’ about it.
- First wife was this Dale Crafton gal. They got hitched back in ’87, but it didn’t last long. By 1990, they were done. Guess it wasn’t a hole-in-one, that marriage.
- Then there were others, seems like he kept tryin’ to find the right one, but kept missin’ the mark. Like tryin’ to catch a greased pig, that’s what it sounds like.
Now, they say he’s with this Anna Cladakis. Been with her for a good long while now, since somethin’ like 2007. They even got engaged in 2014. That’s a mighty long time for a fella like him, so maybe he finally found his match. Seventeen years, that’s longer than some folks keep a car runnin’!
This Anna, she ain’t just sittin’ around, you know. She’s got her own business, a bar down in Florida, called The Bridge Lounge. Sounds fancy. She’s a go-getter, that one. Maybe that’s what he needs, someone to keep him in line. He’s gotta be pushing 60 now, maybe he’s calmed down a bit. I tell you, men, they just take longer to grow up than a good ol’ watermelon.
You know, it ain’t easy bein’ married, especially not to someone famous, I reckon. All that travelin’ and such, must be hard on a relationship. And golfers, well, they’re gone a lot, hittin’ them balls all over the place. Can’t imagine it’s easy for the wives, sittin’ at home waitin’. Probably lonely as a one-legged mule in a three-legged race.
Folks ask a lot of questions about this fella’s wives. How many times he been married, who they were, all that kinda stuff. Guess people are just nosy, like my neighbor, always peeking through the curtains. Can’t blame ‘em though, it’s quite a story. Four wives! That’s enough to make a whole quilt of weddin’ dresses.
Now, I ain’t one for gossip, but it’s kinda hard not to talk about a fella who’s been married that many times. Makes you wonder what goes on, you know? Maybe he’s just a hard fella to live with. Or maybe he just ain’t found the right one ‘til now. Who knows? Only them folks know the real story, and they ain’t likely to be tellin’ it to the likes of us.
But hey, as long as they’re happy, that’s all that matters, right? If this Anna woman can keep him happy, good for her. She must be a strong woman, that’s for sure. Takes a strong woman to handle a man like that, especially after all those other wives. Maybe she’s got him trained now, like a good bird dog.
So there ya have it, the lowdown on John Daly and his wives. A whole lotta marryin’ and divorcin’, but it sounds like he might’ve finally settled down. Hope so, for his sake and for that Anna’s too. Marriage ain’t somethin’ to be taken lightly, you know. It’s like plantin’ a garden, you gotta tend to it, or it ain’t gonna grow right. And if you got a good thing goin’, you hold on tight, ’cause they don’t come along every day, that’s for sure.

Tags: [John Daly, Anna Cladakis, Wife, Marriage, Golfer, Relationships, Divorce]