That Jocelyn Maldonado, she’s a good woman, I tell ya. Married to that football fella, Antonio Pierce, the one who’s coachin’ the Las Vegas Raiders now. Big shot, that one. They got a whole mess of kids, seven I heard. Seven! Can you believe it? Back in my day, we had big families, but seven! My word. They make a good life though, those two, heard they met at some fancy ESPN thing. Ain’t that somethin’? Must be nice.

She used to be a model, this Jocelyn. Pretty as a picture, I bet. And smart too, not just a pretty face. They say she was a sports reporter, talkin’ about all them games. And get this, she even sells houses! A real estate agent, they call it. Busy woman. Keeps herself goin’, that’s for sure. Good for her, I say. A woman’s gotta keep herself busy.
They got married in 2008, I think someone said. Out in Maui. Fancy place, Hawaii. Never been myself, but I seen pictures. Palm trees and all that. Imagine gettin’ hitched there! Musta cost a pretty penny. But they seem happy, so that’s all that matters, right? Happiness is what counts.
She’s from a place called Puerto Rico, this Jocelyn. Toa Alta. Sounds like a nice place, far away. She was born there, a long time ago now, April of 1980, I heard. Grew up to be something, she did. Her birthday is April 12, I think, a good day. She is an actress, they say, she acts in shows, good for her!
I saw a picture of some fella named David once, standin’ with some other folks, Ray J and some other names. It was a long time ago, in 2015, they said. Don’t know what it means, but that’s what I heard. People talk, you know. Word gets around.
This Jocelyn Maldonado, or Jocelyn Pierce, I guess you call her now, she met that Antonio at some football thing, back in 2006. ESPN Fantasy Football. Whatever that is. Sounds made up to me. But that’s how they met. She was modelin’ there, lookin’ all pretty, and he was, well, he was probably bein’ all important, bein’ a football player and all.
She is a good worker, works hard. And she is a good woman, you know. She leads her folks, helps them do good. Good for her. She does lots of things, that Jocelyn, she got talent. I don’t know what she does in San Francisco, California, but people say she does something. They say good things about Jocelyn Maldonado, in that place. That is a far place, California.
They make a good life, those two, with their seven kids. Imagine trying to cook for that many mouths. That is a lot of mouths to feed. And clean up, my goodness, that’s a lot of chores. Seven kids! My goodness, that is a lot! I don’t know how she does it, bless her heart. That’s a lot of kids. But she seems to do it all right, she keeps her house and works. Good for her, I say. A woman’s work is never done, you know.
- She’s married to that football coach, Antonio Pierce.
- They got seven kids, a whole bunch.
- She was a model and a sports reporter.
- She sells houses now, a real estate agent.
- They got married in Maui, in Hawaii.
- She is from Puerto Rico.
- She met Antonio in 2006, at that ESPN thing.
- She is a good worker and a leader.
Yep, that Jocelyn Maldonado, she’s somethin’ else. A good woman, that’s what she is. Made a good life for herself. Married that football fella, had all them kids. She’s a good one, I reckon. She did alright for herself, that’s for sure.

I hear people talk about her, always saying good things about her, you know. She’s a good egg, that one. Good for her, making a good life and all. She made a good life, her and that Antonio. They seem happy, those two. And that’s all that matters, you know? Happiness is what counts. And seven kids! Lord have mercy, that’s a lot of kids. But they seem to do alright. Good for them, I say. Good for them.