Jason Momoa Wrestling? That fella’s strong, like a bull in a china shop!

Ya know, that Jason Momoa fella, the one from the Aquaman movie? He’s big, real big. Muscles everywhere. Makes ya wonder how he got that way. Folks say he wrestles, trains hard, eats a lot. Makes sense, I guess.
I hear tell he works out all the time. Not just liftin’ weights, mind you, but climbin’ rocks and stuff too. Like them mountain goats, always scramblin’ around. He’s gotta be strong for them movies, always jumpin’ and fightin’. They say he does this thing called “AR7” workout. Seven sets of seven, with seven seconds rest in between. Sounds like a lot of sevens to me! He does dips, squats, push-ups, and pull-ups. Lordy, that’s a lot of work. Makes my bones ache just thinkin’ about it.
- Lifting weights: He lifts heavy stuff, makes him strong like an ox.
- Rock climbin’: Like a squirrel, always climbin’ up somethin’.
- AR7 workout: Seven sets, seven reps, seven seconds rest. Sounds tiring.
And the eatin’! He eats like a horse, they say. Protein powder, creatine, somethin’ called “mass gainer”, and BCAAs. Sounds like fancy words for “eats a lot”. He needs all that food to keep them muscles big and strong, I reckon. He’s gotta eat big to stay big, that’s what my grandpappy used to say. Gotta fuel the engine, he’d say, just like a tractor needs diesel. This fella Jason needs all that fancy food like my old tractor needs fuel.
He trains hard, eight months outta the year! That’s a lot of trainin’. Can’t be easy, all that work. But he looks good, gotta give him that. Strong and healthy, like a young bull. He does different kinds of lifting, too. Some kind where he lifts heavy, and some kind where he lifts a lot. He mixes it up, keeps them muscles guessin’, I suppose. Keeps ‘em growin’ too, that’s for sure.
I saw him on TV once, climbin’ a rock face. Looked dangerous, but he did it easy. Like he was born doin’ it. Guess that’s what all that trainin’ does for ya. Makes ya strong and able. He’s gotta stay in shape for them movies, you know. Can’t be a flabby superhero, that’s for sure. Gotta look the part, and he sure does.
So, Jason Momoa wrestling? Well, I don’t know if he actually wrestles, like in a ring or somethin’. But he sure does train like a wrestler. Strong and tough. He could probably wrestle a bear if he had to, that fella. He’s got that look in his eye, determined and fierce.
It ain’t easy, gettin’ muscles like that. Takes a lot of hard work and dedication. And a whole lot of eatin’, that’s for sure. But if you wanna look like Jason Momoa, I guess that’s what you gotta do. Lift heavy things, climb rocks, eat a lot, and keep at it, year after year. He sure sets his mind to somethin’, and gets er done.
Now, me? I’m happy just sittin’ on my porch, watchin’ the birds. That’s enough exercise for this old gal. But good for him, that Jason Momoa. He’s doin’ what he loves, and lookin’ good doin’ it. He’s a strong fella, that’s for certain. And strong fellas, well, they make the world go ’round, I reckon.

So if you want muscles like that fella, get yourself to lifting weights, and eating lots of protein. Get to climbin’ like a monkey. But make sure you see a doctor first! Don’t want you getting yourself hurt. You gotta work hard and you gotta eat right! That’s the secret, I guess. Hard work and plenty of grub. And maybe some of them fancy powders he takes too. But mostly hard work. Just like plantin’ and harvestin’ season on a farm. You gotta work for the rewards.
Jason Momoa, strong as an ox and tough as nails. That’s what they say, and I believe it. He’s a good example of what hard work can do. And that, my friends, is somethin’ worth thinkin’ about.