Well, folks, there’s been a lot of chatter going around lately about LA Knight and whether he’s tied the knot. Some people say he’s married to his long-time girlfriend, but others reckon it’s just some rumors. So, let’s break it down and see what’s true and what ain’t.

Now, LA Knight, he’s been with his girlfriend, Michelle Yavulla, since back in 2018. Yep, five whole years! They’ve been together for a good while, and in May 2023, they even celebrated their fifth anniversary together. You can see that on his Instagram, where he posted a sweet little message for her. But does that mean they got married? Well, not so fast, my dear.
Seems like there were some rumors flying around that LA Knight had gotten hitched, but when the news came up, LA Knight took to the social media to clear things up. He made a funny little comment about it on X (that’s Twitter, for some of y’all who don’t know) saying, “If anybody finds pictures from the wedding I’m hearing I was part of this week, I’m excited to see them!” That’s right, he said it was all just talk and there wasn’t no wedding going on.
So, no, LA Knight ain’t married to Michelle Yavulla. They’re still just girlfriend and boyfriend, going strong after all these years. Now, don’t go thinking that just ’cause they ain’t married means they ain’t serious. They’ve been together for a long time, and it looks like they’re pretty happy with each other. But as of now, no rings, no vows, just love and companionship.
They don’t have any kids together either, so it’s just the two of them, living their lives, enjoying their time. Some people thought maybe they’d tie the knot during their anniversary, but as LA Knight himself said, that ain’t the case. Maybe one day, they’ll surprise us, but for now, they’re just happy as they are.
Now, let’s talk a little about LA Knight himself. The man’s been making a name for himself in WWE. As of 2024, he’s one of the big stars, and his net worth is around $3 million. Not bad for a wrestler, huh? He’s raking in about $150,000 a year, so he’s doing alright. But don’t go thinking just ‘cause he’s a big shot in the WWE, he’s got all the time in the world for a wedding. He’s busy, real busy, with all his matches and training and the whole entertainment business. Maybe one day he’ll find time to settle down and have a big ol’ wedding, but right now, he’s focused on his career.
Now, I know some of you might be wondering if maybe they’re keeping things private. Maybe LA Knight and Michelle just don’t want to share everything with the public. After all, not every celebrity wants to broadcast their personal life. Some folks like to keep it quiet and just enjoy their time without all the spotlight. So, even though we don’t have pictures of them walking down the aisle, that don’t mean they’re not happy together.
In the world of WWE, things change quick. One minute, a wrestler’s on top of the world, and the next, they’re outta the spotlight. So, if LA Knight and Michelle ever do decide to tie the knot, I’m sure they’ll do it in their own time, and they’ll make it special. But until then, we’ll just have to sit tight and enjoy watching LA Knight do his thing in the ring.
So, to wrap it up: LA Knight is not married, at least not yet. He’s still with his girlfriend, Michelle Yavulla, and they’ve been together for five years. The rumors about a wedding were just that—rumors. And as of now, they’re just enjoying their life together, no wedding bells ringing in the near future. But who knows, maybe one day they’ll surprise us all.

Tags:[LA Knight, WWE, Michelle Yavulla, Is LA Knight Married, WWE Rumors, LA Knight Relationship, WWE Stars, Celebrity Relationships, Wrestling News]