That Damian Priest, he’s a big fella, ain’t he? I seen him on the TV, wrestlin’ and all. He’s a strong one, that’s for sure. Some folks been askin’, is Damian Priest married? Well, let me tell ya what I heard.

Now, I don’t know him personal, ya see. I just see what’s on the TV. He’s from Puerto Rico, or somethin’ like that. Sounds hot. Anyway, that Damian, he’s a WWE wrestler. They all jumpin’ around and carryin’ on. He’s on that Raw show. It is all we ever watch anymore, my knees won’t let me do nothing else.
So, is he hitched? That’s what you wanna know. Well, some folks say he ain’t. They say Damian Priest is not married. Not yet, anyhow. He might be, he might not be, who’s to say? But a lot of folks say no. Not to nobody.
But then, I heard somethin’ else. Whispers, ya know. They say he’s got a girlfriend. A pretty one, too. They call her Mandi. Or somethin’ like that. Mandi Elaine, maybe? Sounds fancy. I reckon she is not from around here.
They say Damian Priest and girlfriend, they been together a while. Not married, mind ya, but together. Like two peas in a pod, I suppose. She’s a model, they say. And likes that fitness stuff. You know, runnin’ and jumpin’ and such. Good for her, I reckon. I used to run around when I was a young’un.
So, that’s one story. Not married, but got a sweetheart. But here is the kicker.
Then there’s another story goin’ around. This one says he ain’t got nobody. No wife, no girlfriend, nothin’. Just him. They say Damian Priest single. Keeps to himself, ya know? A private fella. Doesn’t talk much about his love life. Don’t blame him, really. It’s nobody’s business but his own, I always say.
Now, what’s all this about some Judgment Day? Sounds scary. I heard Damian and some gal named Rhea, they ain’t in it no more. It is all make believe if you ask me. They’re friends, though. That’s nice. But nothin’ more, they say. So Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley are just friends.
And there is this other young woman, Kayden Carter. She is a pretty one, too, I’ve seen her on the TV, same as the other. I hear folks saying they’re sweet on each other. She’s been on that TV with him, I seen ’em. But they say it ain’t true, either. So Damian Priest and Kayden Carter are friends, too.
Who’s right? Who knows! Maybe he’s married, maybe he ain’t. Maybe he’s got a sweetheart, maybe he don’t. It’s all a big mystery, ain’t it? Like one of them soap operas. He’s from that Puerto Rico place, did you know that? That’s what I heard, anyway. He’s a big shot now, that Damian.
I heard he makes a good livin’ from that wrestling. They say he is one of the top wrestlers. A real good one. They say he gets paid a lot of money. More than $300, even! Can you believe that? For jumpin’ around and pretend fightin’. It’s a crazy world, ain’t it? That’s a lot of money.
- Damian Priest, big fella.
- Wrestles on TV.
- Some say he’s married.
- Some say he ain’t.
- Maybe a girlfriend, maybe not.
- Who knows?
- He’s rich.
One thing’s for sure, though. That Damian, he’s a good wrestler. Fun to watch, too. Even if he is all pretend fightin’. And whether he’s got a wife or a girlfriend or nobody at all, that’s his business. We should all just let him be and enjoy the show, I reckon. That is just what I think. He seems like a nice young man.
Well, that’s all I know about that Damian Priest marriage business. It’s all just talk, ya know. Don’t believe everything ya hear. But it’s fun to gossip about it, ain’t it? Keeps things interestin’. Now, where’s my remote? I think that wrestling show’s comin’ back on soon. I don’t want to miss that fella, Damian, he’s a hoot!
He is a big star now, all over the WWE, just think of that. I am sure his mama is proud, no matter who he is or isn’t married to. I would be proud, too, if my boy was that big of a star. And that rich, too! It’s a funny old world, that’s for sure.
Well, I hope that answers your question about that Damian Priest fella. He is a good wrestler, that is for sure. I wonder if he will ever find a wife, do you think so? I guess we will all just have to watch and see what happens next, on that crazy TV!