My Afternoon Down the Rabbit Hole
So, I sat down this afternoon, trying to find some specific info online. You know how it goes, right? You type something in, maybe about someone you saw on TV, thinking it’ll be straightforward.

Well, that wasn’t how my day went. Started simple enough. Just looking for some background, maybe some basic facts. But then, bam! The search results just went completely sideways.
It was crazy. One click led to another, and suddenly I wasn’t even close to what I originally wanted. Just pages and pages of junk. You get:
- Total nonsense sites.
- Stuff that looks like news but is just garbage.
- Things trying to get you to click on god-knows-what.
Honestly, it felt like wading through mud. I spent, like, an hour clicking around, getting more and more annoyed. You see a name, you think, “Oh, here’s something relevant,” but nope. Just more weird detours.
It really makes you think about how messed up searching for stuff online can be. You’re just trying to find one simple thing, maybe about someone in the public eye, could be anyone, an athlete, a commentator, whatever. And the internet just throws a wall of noise and weirdness at you.
Ended up just closing the browser. Total waste of time. Didn’t find what I was looking for, just got frustrated. Makes me wonder why I even bothered trying to look it up in the first place. Sometimes, the internet feels like a giant maze designed to waste your time, not help you find anything useful. Just gotta remember that next time I guess.