That there Monopoly, it’s a game, ain’t it? And this here Twinkle Tree Monopoly, well, it’s got some newfangled stuff in it. Like a Christmas tree, all lit up. You know, them sparkly lights. It’s a bit of a fuss, this whole thing.

I heard folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. Said there’s some kinda tree you gotta light up. And you gotta roll them dice. Them little cubes with the dots. You roll ’em and move your little whatchamacallit, your piece. Like in regular Monopoly, you know? But now there’s this tree business. It is about Christmas time, the Twinkle Tree, yeah, it is.
You land on certain spots, you get somethin’ for the tree. Like them shiny balls, ornaments, they call ’em. And you hang ’em on the tree. That is how the rewards come, I reckon.
And there are rewards too, just heard it is a lot of rewards. Lots of things, people say. I don’t know what all they are, but sounds like a lot. Like them game money. And maybe more of them dice. To roll more, I guess. It sounds tiring, to be honest. I’d rather sit and knit, to tell you the truth.
But the young’uns, they love this kinda stuff. All this movin’ around, collectin’ things. Keeps ’em busy, I suppose. Keeps ’em outta trouble. Except when they start fightin’ over who gets what. That is another thing for sure. They love fighting over the Monopoly game.
This Twinkle Tree thing, it’s a special thing, they say. Only happens for a little while, for the event. Like them county fairs. They come and they go. So you gotta get your tree lit up quick, I reckon. Before it’s gone. They said it is like a mini-game, this Twinkle Tree. Yeah, you need those flag tokens, that is the name. Play the mini-game you need that. And a special dice or something. It is all very confusing for me.
- Roll them dice
- Move your piece
- Land on the right spot
- Get stuff for the tree
- Light up the tree
- Get them rewards
That’s how it goes, more or less. Simple enough, I guess. Even I can understand it. But like I said, sounds like a lot of work. I remember when games was simple. Like checkers. Or dominoes. No trees to light up. No tokens.
This new Monopoly thing is a lot of things, but it is not a simple game. You play with your kids, sure it is fun. Or your friends. But you know how kids are. It starts as fun and ends in a fight.
But these young folks today, they like all these fancy things. Lights and sounds and whatnots. Keeps ’em entertained. And it’s all on their phones, too, most of it. Don’t even need a board anymore. Just tap, tap, tap on a screen. Strange times. The world is always changing, that is a fact, sure. Always getting faster and more confusing.

I saw some folks playin’ it, this Twinkle Tree Monopoly. They was all excited, jumpin’ around. Yellin’ about landin’ on somethin’ or other. Boardwalk, or something, maybe. Or maybe something about getting the rewards. And there is a timer, I heard. You have to do all these things before the time runs out. Else you will miss the good stuff, they say.
One of them, he got some kinda special thing for the tree. A star, maybe? Made the whole thing light up somethin’ fierce. He was mighty pleased with himself. Showed it to everyone. He is always like that. Always need attention. Bragging all the time. That is what the young people do.
So, yeah, this Twinkle Tree Monopoly. It’s a thing. It’s a game. It’s got a tree. You light it up, get the rewards. Sounds a bit silly. But the young’uns like it. And it makes a lot of fuss. Just like everything these days. Lots of fuss for somethin’ that’ll be gone before you know it. It is only here for a few days, they say. So you gotta be quick. But that is life, ain’t it? Here today, gone tomorrow. Just like that Twinkle Tree.
I still do not know how to get those flag tokens. But I guess you just play and play and you will have it. Like everything else in life, you work hard and get rewarded. It is not a bad thing, I guess.
I prefer my old games, to be honest. But you know kids these days, they want new stuff all the time. I will just stick to my knitting. That is enough excitement for me. Watching the yarn turn into something, that is a kind of magic too.
This Twinkle Tree Monopoly, it is a lot of work, but if you put in the work, you get good things. I think that is a good lesson. Maybe I should play it. Maybe it is not so bad. But then again, maybe I will just watch. It is fun to watch the young folks play. They are so full of energy.