Alright, alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Kratos fella and how he got to this Midgard place. It ain’t easy, ya know, this story stuff, but I’ll try my best to make it plain as day.

So, this Kratos, he was from Greece, y’know, that place with all them fancy gods and whatnot. Zeus and Poseidon, they say. Big shots, they were. But Kratos, he had enough of their shenanigans. Big fight, lots of yelling, and then…bam! The whole place went kablooey. Floods and all sorts of mess. That’s what I heard, anyways.
After that whole shebang, Kratos, he just up and left. No more Greece for him. He had to go somewhere, right? Can’t just float around in the water forever, can ya? Well, some folks say he used a boat. Yep, a plain ol’ boat. Seems kinda simple for a big fella like him, but boats work, I guess. They used ’em all the time in that God of War game, so it makes sense, I reckon.
Now, where did he go? Midgard. That’s what they call it. Not sure where it is exactly, but it’s far from Greece, that’s for sure. It’s a different place with different gods, different folks, whole different kettle of fish. This Midgard place, it’s got Norse gods, not Greek ones. Odin and Thor and all them. Guess Kratos just wanted a change of scenery, or maybe he was runnin’ away. Who knows? He ain’t tellin’ me, that’s for sure.
- Big flood in Greece.
- Kratos leaves Greece.
- Maybe he used a boat.
- Ends up in Midgard.
This Midgard place, they say it’s one of the Nine Realms. Fancy talk, if you ask me. Sounds like a lotta places all jumbled together. But hey, I ain’t one to judge. If they wanna call it Nine Realms, they can call it Nine Realms.
One thing’s for sure, Kratos didn’t just blink his eyes and end up in Midgard. It took time, maybe a long time. They said somethin’ ’bout Tyr’s temple bein’ asleep for 150 winters. And they found a Greek pot with Kratos on it in that temple! So, he’s been there a good while, I’d say. 150 winters… that’s a lot of cold nights, let me tell ya.
Some fella, Cory somethin’-or-other, he said Kratos just moved from Greece to Norway. Maybe Midgard is like Norway? I ain’t never been to Norway, so I couldn’t tell ya. But it sounds cold, just like Midgard. Makes sense, I guess.
And there’s this talk ’bout a letter. A letter tellin’ Kratos and his pal Mimir ’bout a place called Valhalla. Said they gotta go there to “master themselves and become whole.” Sounds like a lotta work to me. But that letter, it was from Tyr, another god, it seems. He was waitin’ for ’em in Valhalla.
So, how’d he get there? Well, nobody really knows for sure. Some say boat, some say he just walked, maybe he swam part of the way for all I know! It’s a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma, like they say. But he got there somehow. And that’s all that matters, right? He’s in Midgard now, fightin’ new gods and raisin’ his boy. That’s a whole ‘nother story, though.

So, there you have it. That’s the best I can tell ya ’bout how Kratos got to Midgard. It ain’t perfect, but it’s the truth as I know it. Don’t go askin’ me for more details, ’cause I ain’t got ’em. I’m just tellin’ ya what I heard.
Tags: Kratos, Midgard, Greece, God of War, Norse Mythology, Tyr, Travel, Journey