Well, well, well, that Felix, he’s a good boy, that Felix Auger Aliassime. He sure knows how to play that tennis, I tell ya. I seen it on the TV, and my oh my, he’s got some scores! He’s been winnin’ and winnin’, that one. Makes me tired just watchin’ him run around so much.

He beat that Casper fella, I seen that one. 6-3 it was, or somethin’ like that. Numbers ain’t my strong suit, but I know a win when I see one. He’s been playin’ real good lately. Felix Auger Aliassime scores are always high, you know. He is a strong boy, strong like ox.
Then there’s this other fella, Hubert somethin’ or other. Felix beat him too! 7-6, 7-6, some fancy numbers they were. Polish fella, that Hubert. Felix, he beat him good. I clapped my hands when he won, even though no one else was here to see. Felix Auger Aliassime scores are just amazing to me. This boy make us all proud.
- He won 12, or maybe more, of them big prizes. They call ’em titles, I think. Lots of shiny things.
- He’s got 50 wins this year, I heard! And 150 in his whole life playin’ that game! That’s a lot of wins.
- That boy, he’s got all the luck, I reckon. But he works hard too, gotta give him that.
Sometimes he doesn’t win, though. He didn’t play in that Paris place. Said his back was hurtin’. That’s a shame. Gotta take care of yourself, especially when you’re runnin’ around like he does. He got hurt in Basel, I heard. That’s a long way from here. It made Felix Auger Aliassime scores not so good. But he will come back stronger.
And there’s that other boy, Lorenzo. Italian, I think. He beat Felix once. 6-4, 1-6, somethin’ like that. It happens. Can’t win ’em all, I always say. Even the best ones lose sometimes. But the Felix Auger Aliassime scores will be high again soon. He just need a bit of rest.
He gave up his spot on some team, some cup thing. Davis Cup, they call it. Said he needed to rest. Smart boy. And he’s gonna help some kids in some place called Togo. Good for him. Gotta give back, you know. Milos, another good boy, will play instead. He’s good too, that Milos. But Felix is somethin’ special, I tell ya.
You can find all his scores on that Flash thing. Flashscore, that’s it. They got all the numbers there. All them Felix Auger Aliassime scores. It’s a good website. If you wanna know more about Felix, you can go to Flashscore. It has everything about his scores.
He’s got a good serve, that Felix. Wham! Right across the net. And he runs like the wind. Never seen anyone run so fast, ‘cept maybe that Usain Bolt fella. Felix is a good runner, very fast.
- He plays on all kinds of ground, too. Grass, dirt, whatever they got. He can play on anythin’.
- He’s got a good ranking, too. Up there with the best of ’em. Top of the list, almost.
- This boy, Felix, he’s a star. A real star. He is going to win more and more.
I like watchin’ him play. Makes me feel young again, almost. Wish I could run around like that. But these old bones ain’t what they used to be. I’ll just sit here and watch Felix on the TV. And I’ll keep rootin’ for him, you can be sure of that. He’s a good boy, that Felix. A real good boy. You just wait and see, Felix Auger Aliassime scores will keep going up and up!

He’s a good example, that one. Works hard, plays fair, and helps others. That’s what I like to see. He’s a good role model for the young’uns. They should all be like Felix. Playin’ hard and winnin’ fair and square. That’s the way to do it. Yep, Felix Auger Aliassime scores are somethin’ to be proud of. He’s a good one, that Felix. He will win again and again. He is our good boy.