Alright, let’s gab about this Kendre Miller fella and his 2024 dynasty outlook. Now, I ain’t no fancy football expert, mind you, but I’ve seen a thing or two in my days, and I can tell ya what’s what.

Kendre Miller, huh? What’s the fuss all about?
So, this young whippersnapper, Kendre Miller, he’s playin’ that runnin’ back position in football. Folks are talkin’ about him for their fantasy teams, see? That’s where you pick players and hope they do good so you can win bragging rights with your buddies. Sounds like a whole lotta fuss over nothin’ if you ask me, but these young folks, they love it.
- Dynasty what now? Now, this “dynasty” thing, that just means you keep the same players on your team year after year. Like keepin’ the same ol’ chickens in your coop, I guess. You gotta think long-term, not just about this year, but the next and the next. So, is this Miller fella worth keepin’ around? That’s what we’re here to figure out.
- 2024 – A big year for the boy? This comin’ year, 2024, folks are wonderin’ if Miller’s gonna be any good. Last year, he had some troubles, got himself hurt and didn’t play much. Ankle problems, they said. Hamstring too, poor thing. Sounds like he’s got the brittle bones of an old lady, just like me! Heh!
What happened last year? A whole lotta nothin’
They say he only played eight games last year. Eight measly games! That ain’t much. And even when he did play, he didn’t do all that great. Thirty-somethin’ points, they say. Thirty-somethin’ points in a whole season? Shoot, my prize-winning rooster could probably score more points than that if you let him loose on the field!
And you know what? He missed some games when that other fella, Kamara, wasn’t playin’. That’s when he shoulda shined, right? Stepped up and showed ‘em what he’s made of. But nope, he was sittin’ on the bench with that bad ankle of his. Just like my old mule, Bessie, when she gets a stone in her hoof. Stubborn and useless, the both of ‘em.
Should you get him on your team? Maybe, maybe not.
Now, some folks are sayin’ now’s the time to get him. They say his value went down a bit since last year, so you can get him cheaper. Like buyin’ day-old bread at the bakery, I reckon. It’s cheaper, but is it still good?
But I tell ya, this whole thing smells fishy to me. They say he’s got potential, but potential ain’t gonna win you no games, is it? You need a fella who’s gonna get out there and run, not sit on the sidelines nursin’ his boo-boos. You gotta ask yourself, is this Kendre Miller fella gonna be a workhorse, or is he gonna be a nag that spends more time limpin’ than gallopin’?

What the “experts” are saying
I heard some fellas on the radio, the “fantasy football experts” they call ‘em, talkin’ about Miller. They use all sorts of fancy words and numbers, tryin’ to sound smart. But when you boil it all down, they ain’t sayin’ much more than I am. They’re just guessin’, same as everyone else.
They talk about “snap counts” and “targets” and all that jazz. Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me. All I care about is, can the boy run the ball? Can he stay healthy? Can he score some touchdowns? That’s what matters, not all them fancy stats.
My two cents.
So, here’s what I think, for what it’s worth. Kendre Miller, he might be good, he might not. He’s a gamble, like plantin’ seeds in the spring. Sometimes you get a good crop, sometimes you get nothin’ but weeds. If you’re feelin’ lucky, go ahead and take a chance on him. But don’t come cryin’ to me if he spends more time on the injured list than on the field.
If you ask me, there are probably safer bets out there. Fellas who’ve been around longer, who’ve proven they can stay healthy and produce. But hey, it’s your team, you do what you want. Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed my chickens. They’re more reliable than these football players, that’s for sure. At least they give me somethin’ useful, like eggs! And eggs are somethin’ you can count on, unlike this Kendre Miller fella.