Alright, let’s talk about this bag packing thing, you know? It ain’t rocket science, but some folks make it harder than milkin’ a cow with one hand.

First off, you gotta figure out what kind of bag you’re takin’. Don’t go grabbin’ some fancy-schmancy suitcase that’s bigger than your grandma’s old trunk. You ain’t movin’ house, you’re just goin’ on a trip, right? Now, some fellas say get a bigger carry-on, but I say, keep it simple. Get a bag that’s big enough but not too big, you hear? Like Goldilocks and her porridge, gotta find the one that’s just right.
Now, the clothes. This is where folks get all tangled up like a ball of yarn. Me? I don’t need much. A few shirts, a couple pairs of pants, maybe a skirt if I’m feelin’ fancy. You don’t need a whole heap of clothes, ’cause you can always wash ’em, right? And listen here, you ain’t gonna wear everything you pack anyway. You always end up wearin’ the same few things over and over again. It’s just the way it is.
- Tops: I usually take ’bout five tops. You know, a couple t-shirts, maybe a nicer shirt for church or somethin’, and a long-sleeved one if it gets chilly. That’s plenty.
- Bottoms: Four bottoms is good. Couple pairs of pants, maybe a skirt, and some shorts if it’s hot. You don’t need more than that, I tell ya.
Some folks got these fancy rules, like the 5-4-3-2-1 thing or the 123456 rule. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. Five tops, four bottoms, three shoes… who needs three shoes? I take one pair of comfy shoes and maybe a pair of sandals if it’s summer. That’s it. And dresses? I ain’t goin’ to a ball, I’m goin’ on a trip! One dress is enough, if you even need one.
And this accessory set thing? Jewelry and sunglasses and a hat? Listen, I wear my weddin’ ring, and I got a pair of shades I got from the dollar store. That’s all I need. Hats are for keepin’ the sun off your face, not for lookin’ fancy. So don’t go packin’ a bunch of stuff you ain’t gonna use. It just weighs you down.
Shoes are important, though. You gotta have good shoes, or your feet will be killin’ ya. But like I said, one pair of comfy shoes is usually enough. And make sure they’re broke in, too! Don’t go buyin’ new shoes right before a trip, or you’ll be limpin’ around like a three-legged dog.
Now, some folks like to roll their clothes, and some folks like to fold ’em. Me? I just stuff ’em in the bag. Ain’t got time for all that fancy rollin’ and foldin’. Just make sure you put the heavy stuff at the bottom, so it don’t crush everything else. And if you got somethin’ that might leak, like shampoo or somethin’, put it in a plastic baggie, so it don’t get all over your clothes.
- One Hat: If it’s sunny, you might need one. But one is plenty.
- Two Pairs of Shoes: A comfy pair and maybe sandals. That’s all a body needs.
- Three Bottoms: Pants, maybe a skirt, shorts if it’s hot. Keep it simple.
- Four Tops: Enough to mix and match, but not too many.
- Five pairs of socks: Gotta keep your feet warm and dry. And a change of socks is a good thing, believe you me.
And don’t forget your underthings! You gotta have enough of those, or you’ll be feelin’ mighty uncomfortable. And a sweater or jacket, even if it’s warm. Weather can change faster than a cat can lick its paw, so you gotta be prepared.
The thing is, you don’t wanna overpack. I know it’s easy to do, ’cause you think you might need this or you might need that, but trust me, you don’t. Pack light, and you’ll be a happy camper. You’ll be able to move around easier, you won’t be luggin’ around a heavy bag, and you won’t have to pay extra baggage fees. That’s a big one, you know? Them airlines, they charge an arm and a leg for extra baggage.

So, there you have it. My advice on bag packing. It ain’t fancy, but it works. Just keep it simple, don’t overpack, and you’ll be good to go. Safe travels, y’all!
And one last thing, don’t forget your toothbrush! And maybe some snacks, ’cause airport food is expensive as all get-out. Now get goin’ and have a good time!