Okay, so the other day I was watching college football, and it hit me – Nick Saban, the legendary Alabama coach, always looks so… consistent. Like, his hair is always the same shade of dark brown. It got me wondering, does the guy dye his hair? I mean, he’s not getting any younger, right?
So, I did what any curious person would do – I dove into the internet. Here’s the process I went through to find some answers:
My Deep Dive into Nick Saban’s Hair
- First, I just Googled it. I typed in “Nick Saban hair dye” and, boom, tons of articles and forum discussions popped up. Seems like I’m not the only one who’s been curious about this!
- I started reading some articles. A lot of them were just speculation, you know, people saying things like “It definitely looks dyed!” or “No way, it’s natural.” Not super helpful.
- I looked for interviews. I figured maybe he’d been asked about it directly in an interview at some point. I found a few older articles referencing comments his wife, Terry, supposedly made, hinting that he does color it, but nothing concrete.
- Checked out some photos. I compared pictures of Saban from, like, 10-15 years ago to more recent ones. Honestly, his hair color has been pretty darn consistent. That definitely fueled the “he dyes it” fire.
- Then I Went to the forums discussion! I browsed some comments from those discussion, most people are just joking about it, but I found a few are guessing he does it every week.
So, after all that digging, what’s the verdict? Well, I don’t have a definitive “yes” or “no” answer. It’s still kind of a mystery! There’s no official statement from Saban himself. But, based on my little investigation, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he does touch up his hair color. Either way, the guy’s a coaching legend, so his hair is probably the last thing on his mind!