Well, howdy there! Today, we’re gonna talk about somethin’ called jab comicz. Don’t rightly know what that “jab” part means, sounds fancy, but the “comicz” part, well, that’s just pictures that make ya laugh, ain’t it?

Now, I ain’t no scholar, mind you. I ain’t never read one of them thick books they got in the city library. But I do know a thing or two about laughin’. And let me tell ya, these here comicz, they can make a body chuckle till their sides hurt.
I seen some of these comicz online, ya know, on that there inter-web thingy my grandson showed me. They got all sorts. Some just got one picture, one little joke, and bam! You’re laughin’. Others got a whole bunch of pictures, tellin’ a whole story, makin’ ya laugh all the way through.
- Some comicz are right silly
- Some are kinda smart-like, makin’ ya think a bit before ya guffaw
- And some, well, some are just plain goofy, and that’s alright too.
My grandson, he showed me this one fella, D.T. Walsh, he draws them one-picture comicz. They’re witty, he says. I say they’re just plain funny. He draws a fella doin’ somethin’ silly, or sayin’ somethin’ funny, and it just tickles ya pink. It’s a good way to laugh out loud, that’s for sure.
Then there’s these other comicz, they got a whole bunch of ’em, like a whole book of laughs. My grandson calls ’em “compilations.” Sounds fancy, but it just means a whole heap of comicz all put together. He showed me one with twenty of ’em, all fresh and new. Said they’d make me laugh aloud. And you know what? He was right! I was laughin’ so hard I near choked on my sweet tea.
Some of these comicz, they been around a long time, like them Katzenjammer Kids. My grandpappy used to read them, I reckon. They’re classic, they say. Means they been makin’ folks laugh for a long, long time. And they still do, even now. There’s a whole bunch of ’em online, hundreds, maybe even thousands. My grandson says it’s the world’s largest comic strip site. That’s a lot of comicz, ya’ll.
You know, sometimes life gets ya down. Chores pile up, the weather’s bad, the chickens ain’t layin’. But then ya see one of these here comicz, and it just makes ya forget all about your troubles. It’s like medicine, but it tastes a whole lot better. Nothing is more relieving than laughter! And these comicz, they deliver the laughs, that’s for darn sure.
So, if you’re feelin’ blue, or just need a good chuckle, go find yourself some of these jab comicz. They ain’t gonna solve all your problems, but they sure will make ya feel a whole lot better. And that, my friends, is worth more than a whole bushel of apples.
Now, I gotta go feed them chickens. Hope they start layin’ soon, or I might just have to draw my own comicz about ’em! Maybe I’ll call it “The Case of the Lazy Hens.” Think that’d be a funny comic? I reckon it might.
Anyways, y’all take care now, and don’t forget to laugh. It’s good for the soul, they say. And if you need a little help with that, well, you know where to find it. Them comicz, they’re waitin’ for ya.
And remember, if you don’t like ’em, well, you can just stop lookin’ at ’em. My grandson says you can “opt out” anytime. Fancy talk for “quit readin’ ’em,” I reckon. But I don’t think you’ll want to. They’re too darn funny.
So go on, get to readin’ and get to laughin’! That’s all there is to it.
Tags: Comics, Funny, Humor, Laugh, Entertainment, Comic Strips, Jokes, Witty, Cartoon, Laugh Out Loud