Did that young girl, Coco Gauff, win her tennis match today? I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. She’s a good girl, that Coco. Strong, like a young ox. Reminds me of my granddaughter, always runnin’ around, full of beans.

Well, I seen somethin’ about her playin’ that Qinwen Zheng girl. Heard it was a tough one. They said it was in, where was it now… Riyadh, over in Saudi Arabia. Fancy place, I reckon. Never been there myself. Furthest I ever went was the county fair last year.
Anyways, this Coco Gauff, she’s somethin’ else. They say she’s been playin’ tennis since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. And she’s been winnin’ a whole heap of matches, too. I heard she done won her 9th title. Now ain’t that somethin’? Nine titles! That’s more than I got chickens in my coop!
They was sayin’ this match with Qinwen Zheng was a real nail-biter. Went on for three whole sets. First set, I heard, went to that Zheng girl, 3-6, they said. But then our Coco, she came back strong. Won the next one 6-4. Like a good stew, just gets better the longer it simmers.
- First set: Zheng won, 3-6. Not good for Coco.
- Second set: Coco won, 6-4. Much better!
- Third set: Now this was the tough one.
Now, the last set, that was the real doozy. They said it went to somethin’ called a tie-break. I don’t rightly know what that is, but it sounds excitin’. Like when my old rooster, Buster, used to get into a fight with the neighbor’s dog. Lots of squawkin’ and carryin’ on.
They said Coco won that tie-break thingy, 7-6, I think it was, with somethin’ called a (2). Don’t ask me what that means. All I know is, Coco Gauff won the whole dang match! Good for her! She’s a real fighter, that one.
And you know what else? I heard she won a whole pile of money. Somethin’ like $4.8 million, they said! Can you believe that? That’s more money than I ever seen in my whole life! Could buy a whole lot of chicken feed with that kind of money. Or maybe a new tractor. Old Betsy’s been givin’ me trouble lately.
And, this Coco Gauff, she’s playing someone else. It was Iga Swiatek. She won that match, too! That was a 6-3. That Coco, she just keeps on winning. She played her lots of times, 13 times they say.

Now I don’t know much about tennis. My eyes ain’t what they used to be. Can’t see that little ball flyin’ back and forth. But I know hard work when I see it. And that Coco Gauff, she works hard. You can see it in the way she plays. She’s got grit, that one. Just like my prize-winnin’ pumpkin at the county fair last year. Took a lot of work, but it was worth it in the end.
I’m sure this tennis match result, with Coco winning, is gonna make a lot of people happy. If you wanna see Coco Gauff live scores, there’s probably some place on the internet. Or maybe you wanna see the Coco Gauff match history, that’s there, too. Or maybe her match record. She has one for every year, I think. They even have her ranking, whatever that is. It is probably high, ’cause she wins so much.
So, yeah, that’s what I heard. Coco Gauff won her match today. She’s a good girl, that Coco. A real winner. Makes me proud, even though I don’t know her from Adam. Just goes to show, hard work and determination can take you a long way. Even all the way to Saudi Arabia, I reckon.
Well, I best be gettin’ back to my chores. Got to gather the eggs before that darn fox gets to ’em. But I’m glad I heard about Coco Gauff’s win. Always nice to hear a good story. It is a good tennis match, they say. And she won good money! Makes you think anythin’ is possible, don’t it? She is just a young girl, too. Maybe I will be a tennis player, too. Just kiddin’. I am too old for that. But that Coco, she is not too old. She can play for many years. She can win many more tennis matches. That is good for her.