That David Howell Evans, you know, the one they call “The Edge”, he’s loaded! He’s got more money than a hog’s got hair. I heard he’s a big shot musician, plays that guitar thing. He’s in that band, what’s it called… U2? Yeah, that’s it, U2. Big, big band, all over the world.

They say he’s worth a fortune. Some folks say $400 million, others say $240 million. That much money, can you imagine? I can’t even count that high! But it doesn’t matter 240 million or 400 million, cause that is a lot of money anyway. That’s enough to buy all the eggs in the county, maybe even the whole state!
He was born on August 8, 1961. That makes him… well, he ain’t no spring chicken anymore. But he’s still younger than me! He’s from England, I reckon, but some say Irish. I don’t know the difference, to be honest. They all talk funny to me. But he’s got a Welsh family, whatever that means.
He plays that guitar, and sometimes the piano thing, in that U2 band. They’ve been around forever, it seems. I remember hearing their music on the radio when I was a young gal. I even danced to some of their music. I heard they started the band in 1976, even ealier than I knew.
That band, U2, they’re rich too. The whole band is worth, get this, $1.8 billion! That’s a one with a whole bunch of zeros after it. More money than you can shake a stick at! They got that singer, Bono, he’s famous too. I think I saw him on the TV once, wearin’ them sunglasses all the time.
This David, The Edge, he’s got a wife, been married a long time. Over 20 years, I heard. That’s a good long time. Her name is… Morleigh. Morleigh Steinberg, that’s it. They seem happy, those two. You know what they say, money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy a lot of other things!
- David Howell Evans Net Worth: Some folks say $400 million, some say $240 million.
- Born: August 8, 1961
- Band: U2, been around since 1976, worth $1.8 billion, they say.
- Wife: Morleigh Steinberg, married over 20 years.
I don’t know how they make all that money, singin’ and playin’ music. Back in my day, you worked hard for your money. Farming, that’s hard work. But these young folks, they got it easy, I guess. Travelin’ the world, playin’ music, gettin’ rich.
It’s a different world now, that’s for sure. But I’m happy for him, that David. He seems like a good boy. Made somethin’ of himself. Got more money than he knows what to do with. I hope he’s savin’ some of it, though. You never know when you might need it.
I wonder if he has a big old house? I bet he has a fancy car, maybe even a few. Does he have a garden? Does he grow his own tomatoes? I doubt it. He’s probably got people to do all that for him.

Well, I guess that’s all I know about that David Howell Evans, The Edge. He’s a rich one, that’s for sure. Rich as a king! Maybe even richer! I hope he’s enjoyin’ all that money. And I hope he remembers where he came from, even if it’s across the big pond. I wish him well.
He must have a big house with many rooms. I heard that he even had a big dog. How could he take care of a dog? He is busy all the time. He must have someone to take care of the dog. And he has a big yard. I think his yard is even bigger than my farm.
He seems like a good guy, though. Hope he uses some of that money to help folks. There’s a lot of people need help in this world. Maybe I should write him a letter, ask for some money to fix my roof. It’s startin’ to leak a little.
Anyway, he’s a lucky guy, that David. Wish I had his luck, and all his money too! I could buy a whole new set of teeth, maybe even a new hip! Ha! That’s just a dream, I guess. I should stop thinking about his money and go back to my own life. Now where is my cat?