Alright, let’s talk about this Sketch fella and whether he’s got that Tourette’s thing. You know, that thing where folks twitch and shout out stuff they can’t control. I’ve seen some videos, ya know, on that internet thingy my grandson showed me. Folks are all a-buzz about it.

What is this Tourette’s Anyways?
Now, from what I gather, this Tourette’s ain’t just some funny business. It’s a real thing, a neurological disorder, the doctors call it. Means it’s somethin’ with the brain, not just folks actin’ wild. These folks, they make sounds and movements they can’t help. Like, they might blink their eyes real hard, or shrug their shoulders all the time. Or they might shout out words, even bad words, without meanin’ to. It ain’t their fault, see? It’s just their brain doin’ its own thing.
I heard tell it’s like, you got them motor tics, that’s the body movements, and then you got vocal tics, that’s the sounds and words. And it ain’t always the same. Some days it might be bad, some days not so bad. It’s a real bother for them, I reckon. Imagine tryin’ to sit still in church and your body just won’t listen!
- Motor tics: eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, face twitching.
- Vocal tics: grunting, shouting, repeating words.
Is it the Real Tourette’s or Just for Laughs?
Now, some folks on the internet, they make these funny videos. They act like they got Tourette’s, but they’re just playin’ around. Like that one fella my grandson showed me. He was shoutin’ all sorts of silly things. My grandson said it was called a parody. Sounded like a fancy word for makin’ fun, if you ask me. But that ain’t the same as havin’ the real thing, not by a long shot. Real Tourette’s ain’t somethin’ to laugh at. It’s a struggle.
So, Does Sketch Have It or Not?
Well, that’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? Folks are curious, they wanna know. But from what I hear, there ain’t no proof, no doctor’s say-so that he’s got it. He might just be a bit… fidgety. Or maybe he’s doin’ it for attention, like some folks do. You know, young folks these days, they do all sorts of things for attention. Can’t hardly keep up with ‘em.
But here’s the thing, even if he does have it, it ain’t our business to be pokin’ and proddin’. It’s his business. If he wants to tell us, he will. And if he doesn’t, well, that’s his right too. Just like that lady, Thom, I heard about. She’s got Tourette’s, but she don’t let it stop her. She even talks about it, helps folks understand. That’s mighty brave of her, I say.

What Do You Do If You Got Tourette’s?
Now, I ain’t no doctor, but I heard tell there’s medicine for it. Stuff to calm the twitches and the shoutin’. Somethin’ called clonidine, they give it to kids sometimes, I heard. And there’s other ways to manage it too. Like learnin’ to control it a bit, findin’ ways to relax. And most important, havin’ folks understand. Not makin’ fun, not starin’. Just treatin’ them like regular folks, ‘cause that’s what they are.
Living a Regular Life with Tourette’s
And you know what? Having Tourette’s don’t mean you can’t have a good life. I heard about a fella, had a wife, a kid, a good job. He had Tourette’s, but he didn’t let it define him. He lived a regular life, just like you and me. So, whether this Sketch fella has it or not, it don’t change nothin’. He’s still a person, deserves respect, just like anybody else. We ought to be kind to each other, that’s what I say. Kindness don’t cost nothin’, but it can mean the world.
In Conclusion
So, there you have it. The whole story about Sketch and this Tourette’s thing, as best as I can tell it. Maybe he’s got it, maybe he don’t. But it don’t matter much, does it? What matters is bein’ kind and understandin’. And remember, just ’cause you see somethin’ on the internet, don’t mean it’s the gospel truth. Sometimes it’s just folks makin’ a fuss, or playin’ around. Use your common sense, that’s what I always say.
And that’s all I got to say about that.
Tags: [Tourette’s Syndrome, Sketch, Tics, Neurological Disorder, Motor Tics, Vocal Tics, Parody, Clonidine, Symptoms, Treatment, Understanding Tourette’s]