That Conor McGregor, he sure knows how to wear a suit! And that blue suit, oh boy, that’s a good one. He looks so handsome in it, just like my grandson when he goes to church on Sunday. Always dressed up nice, them two.

You know, I seen him on the TV, wearin’ that blue suit. He was fightin’ some fella, but I don’t pay much mind to that. I just like lookin’ at his clothes. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I can still see a good-lookin’ suit when it’s right there in front of me.
Conor McGregor Blue Suit
I heard he got lots of money, that Conor fella. Millions, they say! And he spends it on them fancy clothes. Good for him, I say. If you got it, flaunt it, that’s what my mama used to tell me. And he sure does flaunt it. Blue suits, and all other colors too. And all his suits are tailor-made. That means someone made them just for him. Can you imagine?
He won some big fight a while back, I remember. In 2015. Knocked some guy out cold. That was big. Then a year later, 2016, he wins another one! This time in New York City, in that big garden place. Makes history they say. Holds two big belts at once.
I heard he got a website. You can write to him there. Or send him an email. I guess that’s how young folk talk these days. Not like my day. We just wrote letters.
They say he got at least 3 million for some big fight. 3 Million! That’s a lot of money! More money than I’ve ever seen in my life.
- He wears them blue suits, that’s for sure.
- Sometimes he wears a shirt that’s even darker blue than the suit!
- And them little things on the vest, the lapels, they call ’em. Fancy stuff.
- I saw him once, with a blue tie too!
He’s got all kinds of clothes, not just blue suits. Fancy shoes, and them shirts with them horses on ’em. And watches, oh my, them watches cost more than my whole house! He likes to show off, that one. But he can do what he wants, he’s rich and famous.
Conor McGregor Likes His Clothes
He’s got a whole line of clothes now. He makes a lot of money with it. I guess people like his style, want to dress like him. He’s like one of them movie stars, but he fights instead of acts. And he’s good at fightin’, that’s what they say. I don’t watch it much, makes me nervous. But I do like to see him in his blue suit.
He really likes them blue suits, don’t he? And you know what? He looks good in ’em. Real good. I think that blue color is good for him. They say people are searchin’ on the internet about Conor McGregor suit blue. That means they want to know all about them blue suits he wears.

He’s got style, that one. Not like my husband, bless his soul. He only had one good suit, and he wore it to church every Sunday. But Conor, he’s got a whole closet full of ’em, I bet. And a lot of them are blue. That blue suit, it just looks so good on him. Maybe I should tell my grandson to get a blue suit. He’d look good in it too, I reckon.
I remember when he fought that other fella, the one they call “Cowboy”. He made a lot of money from that fight too. People like to watch him fight, and they like to see what he’s wearin’. He’s a big star, that Conor. And he sure does love his blue suits.
Conor McGregor Blue
That blue suit is somethin’ else. Makes him look like a million bucks, even though he’s probably worth way more than that. That Conor McGregor, he’s got it all. The money, the fame, the fights, and the blue suits. He’s livin’ the dream, as they say. Good for him. He’s worked hard for it, I suppose. All that fightin’ and trainin’. It ain’t easy, I bet.
But he makes it look easy, wearin’ them blue suits. He always looks so calm and collected, even when he’s about to go into a fight. He’s got that look in his eye, like he knows he’s gonna win. And most of the time, he does. That’s why he’s so famous, I guess. And why people like to see him in his blue suits.
Well, I guess that’s all I got to say about Conor McGregor and his blue suits. He’s a good-lookin’ fella, and he knows how to wear a suit. Especially a blue one. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Lookin’ good and feelin’ good. That’s what my mama always said. And she was right. Just like that Conor McGregor is right about them blue suits.