Well, let me tell ya ’bout this fella, Sean McComb. Seems like he’s a boxer, ya know, the kind that punch each other for a livin’.

Sean McComb’s Boxing Stuff
Now, they say this Sean McComb fella, some call him “Sugar,” he’s Irish. Been boxin’ for a good while now, six years, two months, and fifteen days, they say. That’s a long time to be punchin’ folks, I reckon.
- Name: Sean McComb (some folks call him Sugar, sweet, ain’t it?)
- Age: Thirty-two years old, still young enough to be swingin’, I guess.
- Born: Antrim, County Antrim, Ireland. That’s way over the water, somewhere. Born on August 14, 1992, a summer baby just like my grandson.
- Job: Professional boxer. Means he gets paid to fight. Imagine that!
They keep track of these things, ya know. Wins and losses, like keepin’ score in a game. This McComb fella, his record, they call it, is somethin’ like 17 wins and 2 losses. That sounds pretty good, I guess. He’s knocked out five fellas, too. Kapow! That’s what my grandson says when he’s playin’ his games.
But I also heard somewhere else that his record is 18 wins and 2 loses, ain’t sure which one is right, maybe they miscounted, happens all the time, those record keepers ain’t always the sharpest tools in the shed. Anyways, still sounds like he wins more than he loses, so that’s gotta be good, right? And five knockouts? That means he hits hard, like that time my mule kicked the fence post clean in two.
Fighting Life
He started this boxin’ thing when he was 26. August 18, 2018, they say. That’s a grown man, already. Not like these young whippersnappers startin’ out as kids. He’s what they call a “super lightweight,” which I guess means he’s not too big, not too small. Just right, like Goldilocks and her porridge, my grandaughter use to love that story.
Now, I heard tell he had a fight recently, against some fella named Arnold Barboza. This Barboza fella, he won, but it wasn’t easy. A “split decision,” they called it. Sounds like it was a close one. McComb, he didn’t win that one. But hey, ya can’t win ’em all, that’s what my old man used to say.
More ’bout Sean McComb’s record

Some folks say his record is 15 wins and 1 loss. See? It’s all confusing, these numbers and such. But one thing’s for sure, he’s got more wins than losses. And he’s a tough fella, I reckon. Gotta be tough to be a boxer, gettin’ punched in the face all the time. Makes my head hurt just thinkin’ about it.
They got these websites, ya know, where they keep track of all this stuff. Boxrec, they call one of ’em. And BoxeoGuide. Full of numbers and names and such. I can’t make heads or tails of it most of the time. But they got all the fights this McComb fella has ever been in. Every punch he threw, every punch he took. It’s all there, for anyone who wants to see it.
So, there ya have it. What I know ’bout Sean McComb. He’s an Irish boxer, been fightin’ for a few years, wins more than he loses. Seems like a tough fella. And that’s all there is to it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens.
Sean McComb – A Quick Look
- Good win-loss record (around 17-2 or 18-2, depends on who you ask).
- Knocks some fellas out (5 KOs, they say).
- Started boxing kinda late (at 26).
- Fights in the super lightweight division.
- Lost a close one to Arnold Barboza recently.
That’s about all I can tell ya ’bout this Sean McComb fella. He’s a boxer, he fights, and he wins most of the time. Seems like a decent enough fella, though I wouldn’t want to get in the ring with him, no sir! He’d probably knock me into next week!