That Bryson Stott, he’s a baseball player, you know? Play for that Philadelphia team, the Phillies. He got himself a contract, they say. One year, it is. Big money, too! Almost three million dollars! Can you believe it?

That’s a whole heap of money for playing a game, ain’t it? He must be real good at it. I see him on that TV sometimes, running around, hitting that ball. He’s got a song, too, that “A-O-K” song. They play it when he comes up to bat. Catchy tune, I guess. My grandkids, they like it. Play it all the time on their little phones.
This contract thing, it’s a big deal. Means he’s gonna be with that Phillies team for another year. Making all that money. I hear in 2025, he’s getting even more! Same amount, though, but they call it “base salary” and “total salary.” Sounds the same to me, just more money!
- He got a wife, too, that Bryson. Dru, her name is.
- They had a little baby girl just last year.
- Must be nice, having a little one.
- Reminds me of when my own kids were little.
They say he was in the minors before, playing baseball there. Must have done real good to get to the big leagues, to that Philadelphia Phillies. He was impressive, they said. I guess so, if he’s making all that contract money! He’s young, too. Got his whole life ahead of him.
Now, this other thing, “pre-arbitration.” Don’t rightly know what that means. Something about a bonus pool, whatever that is. Sounds like a swimming pool full of money! He got a pay raise, that Bryson, and that other fella, Brandon Marsh. Good for them, I say.
Bryson Stott contract is a good one, sounds like. He’s gonna be set for a while. Not like us regular folks, having to work hard every day. He gets to play a game and make more money than I’ve ever seen in my life. It is a good salary. It is 734,500 dollar each year. I don’t understand that signing bonus.
They talk about these other fellas, too. Alec Bohm, Edmundo Sosa. They must be baseball players, too. Probably got their own contracts. It’s a whole world out there, this baseball business. Lots of money changing hands.
This Bryson Stott contract, they say it’s been around since 2012, all the details of it. I don’t know about all that. All I know is, he’s playing for the Phillies, and he’s making a lot of money. Good for him, I guess.
This MLB debut thing, that means when he first started playing in the big leagues. They say it was in 2022. Not that long ago. He’s come a long way in a short time.

I reckon it’s a good thing, to have a good contract like that. Security, you know? Knowing you’re gonna be taken care of. Not everyone gets that chance. He must be a lucky fella, that Bryson Stott.
This baseball, it’s a big deal these days. Lots of folks watch it, cheer for their teams. I guess it’s a good way to make a living, if you’re good enough. That Bryson Stott contract sure proves that. It is a big contract.
He is a superstar. Or, he will play for a long long time. These players, they make more money than anyone could ever need. He is good at the baseball game.
Well, I guess that’s all I know about that Bryson Stott contract. It’s a lot of money, that’s for sure. Hope he does well with it. Maybe he’ll buy his mama a new house or something. That’s what I’d do if I had that kind of money!